Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4
Unit 5

The definition of connotation

What is the feelings associated with a word or phrase?



inclined to be silent or quiet; not speaking much

What is taciturn?


Synonym of the words lecture and address meaning to make long oration or speak at length

What is harangue?


to repeat information, facts, or ideas with very little understanding or comprehension

What is regurgitation?


false or questionable; synonyms include fake and phony

What is spurious?


Finding the definition of a word you don't understand in the text

What is using context clues?


Commonly used character-types or shells used in stories to easily convey a character's purpose and motivation.

What is an archetype?


Using humor or irony to ridicule customs or institutions in a society.

What is satire?


Meaning in a text understood by the reader without it being specifically said in the text.

What is implicit meaning?


The rhythm of the story or how quickly or slowly the story moves

What is pacing?


The sequence of events that form a story.

What is plot?


The speaker or writer addresses a character directly within the writing

What is apostrophe?


The use of the environment, characterization, or word choice to describe how the author feels about their writing

What is tone?

The use of repeating words to call attention to or emphasize a concept

What is anaphora?


Putting one story inside of another to act as a part of a larger narrative

What is framing?

Minnie tells her boyfriend that she wants flowers on their next date. This is an example of…

What is explicit meaning?


There is a story in which the main character hates his brother. His brother makes a mess and he says "I am so glad you're my brother, I get to clean up messes! That's my favorite thing to do!"

The way he feels about his brother is…

What is character's perspective?


Overcoming in the face of adversity can lead to prosperity can be seen in this sentence:

1. When I finally managed to get my hair into the braid after trying for hours, I went to school and my friends all told me it was gorgeous.

2. After trying for three hours to understand tone, I gave up and decided to play video games.

What is sentence 1?


She was as beautiful as the setting sun over an ocean on a warm summer is an example of

What is simile?


If you have a story that you are making a version of and you intend to follow all the original story beats, you are doing this

What is an adaptation?


A story tells a tale of a young woman who falls in love with a beautiful man, but he does not know who she is. She does everything to get his attention, but does not succeed and instead marries a young man she grew up with. Love in this situation is…

What is theme?


"The night was dreary and lonely, I was accompanied only by the coffin of my loved one and the rain pounding against the roof above me"

This conveys a tone of sadness in this passage

What is the word choice "dreary" and "lonely"?


In text citations should be..

What is in parenthesis after a quotation or paraphrase is used in the text?


My anguish washed over me like a storm and left me begging for a hint of sunlight to come from behind the clouds and free me of my suffering.

To find a deeper meaning in this you have to 

What is make inferences?


John wants to speed up the pace of his story. He is considering adding less dialogue and more descriptions of the environment. This does what

What is slow the pace of a story?