Formula of future perfect
What is noun + will + have + verb in third form?
The definition of take off?
What is become popular?
Pass the sentence into passive form
My cousin bakes cookies of chocolate
What are the chocolate cookies are baked by my cousin?
The perfect modal of:
It was possible but it didn't happenWhat is could have?
Choose the correct word
It can't be anything that involves spending/ to spend loads of money
What is spending?
The formula of future continuous
What is noun + will + be + ing?
The definition of burst out?
What is a sudden reaction?
Pass the sentence into passive form
My dad is helping me with my project
I'm being helped with my project by my dad
The perfect modal of:
We are sure that this is true about the past
What is must have?
Don't make me laugh/ to laugh
What is laugh?
The formula of future perfect continuous
What is noun + will + have been + ing?
The definition of see to?
What is attempted or deal with?
Pass the sentence into passive
My brother is washing the clothes
What is the clothes are being washed by my brother?
The perfect modal of:
It was a mistake to do it
What is shouldn't have?
We use _________ after some adjectives
What is to + infinitive?
When do we use future perfect continuous?
What is to talk about something which will happen over on period of time and may have future results?
The definition of see through?
What is to detect the true nature of someone or something?
We can use the passive infinitive after...?
What is verbs that take to + infinitive?
The perfect modal of:
I expecting something, but it hasn't happened yet
What is should have?
We use ____________ as part of the subject of a sentence
What is -ing form?
When do we use future continuous?
What is for situations in progress around a particular future time?
The definition of get hold of?
What is appear on a screen?
We can use the passive -ing after...?
What is prepositions or verbs they take the -ing form?
Perfect modal of:
We are not sure that this happened, but it's a possibility
What is might have?
We use _____________ to express purpose
What is to + infinitive?