what is to be?
am,is are
Write the 3 formulation of Present simple
Write the 3 formulation of Past Simple
Write the 3 formulation of Present Perfect
Write the 3 formulation of Future simple
men kecha soat 8da maktabda edim
I was at school yesterday 8 a.m
Paul har kuni ertalab maktabga boradi
Paul goes to work every morning
Men kecha ukam bilan uylarni tozaladim
I cleaned the house with my brother yesterday
Men hozirgina uylarni tozalab bo'ldim
I have just cleaned the room
Write the 3 formulation of to be going to
S+to be going to+verb
S+to be not goint to+verb
to be going to+S+verb
Sizlar Inglizmisizlar yoki Misrlik?
Are you English or Egyptian?
Sen maktabda o'qiysanmi? ha maktabda o'qiyman
Do you study at school?
Yes,I do
Sen o'tgan yili yangi mashina sotib olganmiding?
Did you buy a new car last year?
Paul allaqachon telefonini sotib yubordi
Paul has already bought his telephone
Men ertaga Toshkenga boraman
I will go to Tashkent tomorrow
Men va Paul 2 kun oldin tog'da emas edik
I and Paul weren't in the mountains two days ago
Helen idishlarni yuvishni xohlamaydi
Helen doesn't want to wash the dishes
Paul kecha kechqurun televizor ko'rmadi
Paul didn't watch the Tv yesterday night
Sen hayoting davomida Amerikada bo'lganmisan?
Have you ever been in America
Men kelajakda ingliz tili o'qituvchisi bo'lmoqchiman
I am going to be an English teacher in the future
Sizlar Kanadalikmisiz yoki Turkiyalik?
Are you Canadian or Turkish?
Helen va Paul har kuni kechqurun sayr qilgani chiqadilar
Helen and Paul go for a walk every night
Paul va Helen 3 yil oldin uylaridagi daraxtni kesib tashlashgan
Paul and Helen cut the tree in their house three years ago
Men yaqindagina darslarimi tugattim
I have recently finished my homework
Ertadan keyin men uylarni tozalayman
The day after tomorrow I will clean the house