What should you capitalize in the following sentence:
i went to the zoo with my friend.
*might be more than one
I went to the zoo with my friend.
Does the following sentence need a period (.), question mark (?) or exclamation mark (!):
Can you help me with my homework
Can you help me with my homework?
What is the past tense of "go"?
He run to the store.
Change the two words into the correct contraction:
He did not believe me when I told him the news.
He didn't believe me when I told him the news.
What should you capitalize in the following sentence:
we went to paris last week.
*might be more than one
We Paris
We went to Paris last week.
Does the following sentence need a period (.), question mark (?) or exclamation mark (!):
I went to the store to buy milk
I went to the store to buy milk.
What is the past tense of "eat"?
Fix the verb in the sentence (keep it in present tense):
They likes the music.
Correct the misspelled contraction in this sentence:
He wont be able to come to the meeting.
He won't be able to come to the meeting.
What should you capitalize in the following sentence:
my favorite book is harry potter.
*might be more than one
My Harry Potter
My favorite book is Harry Potter.
The cat is sleeping
The dog ran fast
The cat is sleeping.
The dog ran fast.
What is the past tense of "run"?
Fix the verb in the sentence (keep it in present tense):
We plays Minecraft.
What word(s) should be used instead:
I don't can my homework.
I can't do my homework.
What should you capitalize in the following sentence:
the chancellor gave a speech.
*might be more than one
The Chancellor
The Chancellor gave a speech.
Does the following sentence need a period (.), question mark (?) or exclamation mark (!):
Does she like to dance
Does she like to dance?
What is the past tense of "take"?
Fix the verb in the sentence to the correct PRESENT TENSE verb:
They jumped on the trampoline.
Change the two words into the correct contraction:
You should not be late for school.
You shouldn't be late for school.
What should you capitalize in the following sentence:
i like reading books in the library on mondays.
*might be more than one
I Mondays
Does the following sentence need a period (.), question mark (?) or exclamation mark (!):
What a lovely view here
What a lovely view here!
What is the past tense of "see"?
Fix the verb in the sentence to the correct PRESENT TENSE verb:
He wrote his Smarties goals.
Change both sets of words into the correct contraction:
They would have gone to the party, but they could not make it.
would've couldn't
They would've gone to the party, but they couldn't make it.