Figurative Language

The universal lesson, moral, or message the reader should learn from the story

What is theme?


"The sky hung above him like a gray blanket, and no matter how long he looked up, he could not see the sun."

The literary element shown in this line 

What is a simile?


The first sentence of the essay that grabs the readers’ attention

What is the hook?


Find the main idea:

There is a common belief that while the dog is man’s best friend, the coyote is his worst enemy. The bad reputation of the coyote traces back to his fondness for small animals; he hunts at night and is particularly destructive to sheep, young pigs, and poultry. Yet it is sometimes wise to encourage coyotes. Provided valuable farm animals are protected, the coyote will often free the property of other animals, like rabbits, which are ruinous to crops and certain trees. He is especially beneficial in keeping down the rodent population. Where coyotes have been allowed to do their work without interference, ranchers and fruit growers have found them so valuable that they would no more shoot them than they would shoot their dogs.

a. Under certain conditions the coyote is helpful to man.

b. The coyote is feared because of his fondness for small animals 

c. Modern ranchers would no sooner shoot coyotes than they would shoot dogs. 

d. The coyote usually prefers rabbits and other rodents to sheep and poultry.

What is under certain conditions the coyote is helpful to man (A) ?


What punctuation correction is needed in the following sentence?

Some people will type on the computer, others will write with pencil and paper.

What is computer; others or computer. Others?


A pause in the plot to tell an event that has previously happened

What is a flashback?


Which word has a positive connotation?

Marla is a little too _____________________ to go to the mall alone. (immature, young)

What is young?


Where you restate the thesis and a summary of the main points

What is the conclusion?


An example of dramatic irony is:

a. a fireman's house burns down

b. the reader knows where the bad guy is hiding

c. a play performed on a stage

d. comparisons using like or as

What is "the reader knows where the bad guy is hiding" (b)?


How can this sentence be corrected?

It's harder to do long division than dividing with a calculator.

What is: It's harder to do long division than to divide with a calculator. OR It's harder doing long division than dividing with a calculator.


Which word could replace the italicized word?

When John saw his report card, he was excited because he had all As and one B, but when his fastidious mother saw his report card, she shook her head in disappointment. 

a. happy  b. easygoing  c. overcritical   d. intelligent

What is overcritical? (C)


Which is the metaphor?

a. My mother's cooking is heaven on earth.

b. I'm so hungry I could eat a horse.

c. Sally sells seashells by the seashore.

d. The wind whistled through the trees. 

What is "My mother's cooking is heaven on earth" (a.)?


The position being taken in the argument

What is the claim?


Some say the world will end in fire,

Some say in ice.

From what I’ve tasted of desire

I hold with those who favor fire.

But if it had to perish twice,

I think I know enough of hate

To say that for destruction ice

Is also great

And would suffice.

A theme of this poem could be:

a. hatred and destruction  b. love and peace

c. the seasons    d. winter and summer

What is "hatred and destruction" (a)?


Choose the most precise sentence.

a. You must write a note to thank each and every contributor for their donations. 

b.You must write a thank you note for each contributor's donation. 

c. You must write a thank you note to every contributer in thanks for their donations. 

d. Every contributer must receive thank you notes to show appreciation for their donations. 

What is "You must write a thank you note for each contributor's donation" (b)?


During the whole of a dull, dark, and soundless day in the autumn of the year, when the clouds hung oppressively low in the heavens, I had been passing alone, on horseback, through a singularly dreary tract of country, and at length found myself, as the shades of the evening drew on, within view of the melancholy House of Usher. 

What does oppressively mean as used in paragraph 6? A. cruelly B. barely C. colorful D. alarmingly  

What is cruelly (A)?


A direct comparison between two unlike things

What is a metaphor?


Examples from the text that reinforce the thesis

What is evidence or support?


She thinks this might be the key to their findings: Take notes by hand, and you have to process information as well as write it down. That initial selectivity leads to long-term comprehension. 

What is the primary claim in paragraph 18? 

A. Students who take notes by hand listen more carefully to lectures, while students who use laptops listen only selectively. 

B. Students who take notes by hand are only able to remember selective information, while students who use laptops can remember much more information. C. Taking notes by hand is more effective than taking notes on a laptop because it requires students to process information as they write it down.

D. Taking notes by hand is less efficient than taking notes on a laptop because it requires students to process information rather than simply write it down.

What is "Taking notes by hand is more effective than taking notes on a laptop because it requires students to process information as they write it down" (C)?


Each of the students (need, needs) to bring supplies to class daily. 

What is needs?


When two or more stories within the story occur

What is parallel plot?


"and suddenly everything is a metaphor for how short a time we are granted on earth: the red boats on the blue-black water, the russet and gold of late summer’s sunburnt grasses, the empty blue sky." 

Which words best help the reader understand the meaning of the word russet in line 8 

A blue-black water

B boats, grasses 

C gold, sunburnt 

D empty blue sky

What is "gold, sunburnt" (C)?


"Your college years give you knowledge, improve your soft skills, and connect you with other bright people who can help you get to the top in the future. Thus, even though there are some examples of successful people without a college degree, everyone should attend college and go through this important stage of self-development."

a. informational essay  b. persuasive essay 

c. narrative essay

What is persuasive essay (b)?


Psych 101 was about to start, and Pam Mueller had forgotten her laptop at home. This meant more than lost Facebook time. A psychology grad student at Princeton, Mueller was one of the class teaching assistants. It was important she have good notes on the lecture. Normally she used her laptop to take notes, but, without it, she’d have to rely on a more traditional approach.  So she put pen to paper—and found something surprising. 

How does the author use rhetoric in paragraphs 1–2 to advance his purpose? 

A. He uses a personal story to explain an unexpected discovery. 

B. He uses data and facts to support a position about note-taking. 

C. He uses an emotional appeal to emphasize an alarming problem. 

D. He uses a metaphor to make his ideas easier to understand.

What is "He uses a personal story to explain an unexpected discovery" (A)?


What change, if any, needs to be made to the sentence?

That job wasn't very interesting, however, it paid well. 

What is "interesting; however,"?