Troublesome Words
Pronoun Usage
We will ____ the invitation from everyone ____ Seth because his breath smells like garlic. (Use except and accept correctly)
What is accept then except
All of you (want, wants) to be in Mrs. West's honors English class next year.
What is want
The most specific title of the following: Christie's tattoo images saved on her computer. Brianna's personal artwork this year. Brittany's hair bows collection. Kristina's obsession with vampires since middle school.
What is Brianna's artwork this year.
Tell the difference between a summary and a paraphrase.
What is a summary is just the key points. A paraphrase is rewording all of it in your own words.
Identify the figurative language technique used in the following: "I'm so hungry I could eat a horse," said Sam.
What is hyperbole (extreme exaggeration)
If you think ____ going to get an A on _____ exam, then ____ correct! (Use you & you're correctly)
What is you're, your, you're
Austin said, "Everybody (need/needs) to bring (their, his/her) fairy costumes to my party this weekend."
What is needs, his/her. (EveryBODY is singular!)
Other than an interview, give an example of a primary source.
What is a transcript of an interview, a letter, an autobiography, a speech, an eye witness account.
What is a critique?
What is telling both pros and cons; giving your criticism for positives and negatives.
Tell three ways an author reveals a character.
What is what he/she says, how he/she acts, what other characters say about him/her, what the character thinks, or what the author tells us
Morgan, Marisa, and Tori assume _____ going to score advanced on _____ EOC's when they take them in Coach Murphy's portable out ____. (Use their, there, and they're correctly)
What is they're, their, there
Lexi or Taylor (laugh/laughs) when Will and Peyton (give/gives) (his/their) speeches.
What is laugh, give, their
Two ways to cite work in a research paper.
What are within the sentence ("According to...") or using parenthetical expressions at the end of sentences.
What type of speech is this? "If teachers wouldn't give homework, students wouldn't fail. I say we boycott school and demand that teachers only assign work in class. Then we could go home, sit around, do nothing, and be lazy! There would be no one failing."
What is problem-solution
Tell 4 types of figurative language.
What are idiom, simile, metaphor, hyperbole, personification, or pun
Katelynn, be sure to ____ your sources even if they're from a _____ or if you just use your _____ to see them. (Use sight, cite, and site correctly)
What is cite, site, sight
Mrs. Supica's drama class will give (their/its) performance to the school. The class has practiced (their/its) lines for months.
What is its, their
Hunter likes to wear a sombrero to keep the sun out of his eyes during the summer. The word "sombrero" in this sentence provides this.
What is cultural reference
What type of speech is this? "You show up late to college classes, and your professor may fail you. Don't turn in your assignments, and you will not get another chance to make them up. Fail a test, and you get the grade you made with no chance to redo it. College is for those who want to be successful. If you do not do what is required, don't expect to earn a degree!"
What is cause and effect
Wise fool, bittersweet, deep down he is shallow, Icy Hot relieves the pain... are all examples of what?
What is oxymoron or paradox. A paradox is a longer statement whereas an oxymoron is generally just a few words.
Rob likes to write Gabby love letters on his pink polka-dot _____ while he's just sitting there ______. (Use stationary/stationery correctly)
What is stationery, stationary. *Remember sationEry has an E just like lEttErs!)
One of your classmates (send, sends) text messages every single day during class; some of you (know, knows) who it is. That student should use (their, his/her) common sense to be more respectful!
What is sends, know, his/her
Tell three ways to fix a run-on sentence.
What are using a semicolon, a comma and coordinating conjunction, or putting a period between them.
What type of speech is this? "Students in other countries tend to score higher on tests than American students. However, in the USA, all students are given the opportunity to go to school. Other countries often send only the elite. So when you look at scores, keep in mind that we educate everyone not just the top achievers."
What is comparison-contrast
Correctly punctuate this sentence aloud: Mary asked Do we really need to know all of this for our EOC next week or is Mrs Vann just giving us busy work
What is... Mary asked, "Do we really need to know all of this for our EOC next week, or is Mrs. Vann just giving us busy work?"