People have come to rely on plastic bags as everything from totes for groceries to trash-can linners to lunch bags.
What is change linners to liners.
However, thank’s to the idea of one man and the hard work of many volunteers, this situation is changing. What change needs to be made to this sentence?
What is change thank's to thanks.
For double jeopardy What does 's mean?
"Well, you could cut the silence with a knife. The clerk hemmed and hawed while they stood there lookin’ back at him real innocent and peaceful, and finally he said, “You’ll have to pay in advance.” What type of rhetorical device is used in this sentence?
What is imagery.
How do you create your thesis Statement?
You create your thesis statement by turning the prompt into a question.
And in both 1988 and 1998, plastic bags that were blocking sewers, and drains in Bangladesh contributed to devastating flooding.
What is delete the comma after 'sewers'?
For double Jeopardy Tell Why?
How do you start your introduction?
You start your introduction with a general question and then answer the question.
But these bags didn’t come into widespread use until around 1980, and before that time people got along just fine without it.
What is change it to them.
How do you began your body 1, body 2 and conclusion?
You began each paragraph with a transition word.
They enjoyed playing video games, bowling, and watched movies together. What is the most effective way to revise this sentence?
What is change it to: They enjoyed playing video games, bowling, and watching movies together.
In order to prove that Gogol knows English, Ashoke does something he has never done before, and addresses his son in careful, accented English. “Go on, Gogol,” he says, patting him on the head. “Tell Mrs. Lapidus how old you are.” What can you infer about Gogol based on this paragraph?
What is Gogol's not originally from an English speaking country.
How many paragraphs do you write in your essay?
You write four paragraphs.
He used a wheelchair to get around. He communicated through a sophisticated computer system that responded to his eye movements. This sentence is choppy and ineffective. What is the best way to combine these sentences into one?
What is combine them by doing this: He used a wheelchair to get around and communicated through a sophisticated computer system that responded to his eye movements.
Where do you get your points that do inside your thesis statement and your essay?
You get your points for you thesis statement from your T Chart.