Informational Text
What is a simile? What is a metaphor?
simile- comparing two things using like or as metaphor- comparing two things without using like or as
What is an expert opinion?
a belief given by someone who has knowledge in a specific field
Correct the following sentence: I am visiting albany New York over the break.
I am visiting Albany, New York over the break.
What is an inference?
An educated guess based off of previous knowledge.
Name all three principals at the high school
Morgan, Jackson, Garcia
"Let them be as flowers, always watered, fed, guarded, admired..." what figurative language device is used?
What is a substantiated opinion? Give an example.
An opinion that can be verified or back up with evidence.
Correct the following sentence: They is going to the park but first they will eat they're dinner.
They are going to the park, but first they will eat their dinner.
Sarah (looks impatiently at her watch) Excuse me! (she shouts, pushing past people, determined to get to class) Based on the stage directions, what inferences can we make concerning Sarah's day?
She is late to her class and is in a rush
Besides English, what other class does Ms. Thompson teach?
What is yearbook?
"IF I could stand alone, strong and free, I'd rather be a tall, ugly weed." What figurative language device is used? How does the speaker feel about freedom?
Metaphor He doesn't care if he has to be something different or unlikeable if that means he gets his freedom.
What is not present in informational text, that is normally present in other genres?
Explain the difference between the word effect and the word affect.
effect is a noun affect is a verb
What is the tone of the following lines? The ominous storm crawled over the hills. The sun was choked out and no light could escape.
dark, scary, depressing
Who is Alabama playing in the football playoffs?
"And burst the cannon's roar; The meteor of the ocean air shall sweep the clouds no more." Which figurative language device is present? What is the meaning of the quote?
Metaphor- A cannon ball soars high in the air like a meteor in the sky
Which of the following is an unsubstantiated opinion? A. Alabama is the best football team in the nation because they won last years national championship. B. Between 25-50 % of students actually study for final exams. C. Mac and Cheese is the best side dish on Thanksgiving Day.
Which of the following is the strongest and clearest thesis statement? A. It is important to listen to advice. B. Listening to advice is important because it can provide new insight and establish options in decision making. C. It is important to listen to advice like Michael Jordan and Barak Obama did.
What is dramatic irony? Give an example.
the audience knows something but the characters do not
What is the capitol of Alabama?
What is Montgomery
Create an example of imagery that appeals to all five senses (3 mins)
answers will vary
What is the message of the political cartoon? ( Ms. Thompson will project it)
Both political parties are so busy arguing over health care reform that people are dying while waiting on a decision.
Correct the following: After leaving the store I forgot to buy you're favorite serial. I were defiantly distracted by the fresh hot glazed donuts.
After leaving the store, I forgot to buy your favorite cereal; I was definitely distracted by the fresh, hot, glazed donuts.
A man, wearing a suit and tie, runs down the street. Sweat pours down his face as he turns the corner. The cold wind blows and sirens can be heard in the distance. He throws his phone into a near by trash can. What inferences can we make about the man? What is the tone of this?
He did something illegal and is ditching his phone so he can not be tracked. Anxious, cautionary, tense
What month is Ms. Thompson's birthday?
What is May?