Cask of Amontillado
War of the Wall
Lamb to the Slaughter
Literary Devices

When a writer attempts to describe something so that it appeals to our sense of smell, sight, taste, touch, or hearing.

What is...Imagery


Poe uses sounds: clanking, moaning, screaming, the jingling of the hat, the dragging of the chains, to build what, throughout the story? And which literary term is this?

What is...Suspense? 

What is....Mood?


The narrator's use of 'we' and 'I' throughout the story indicate that the story is in which point of view?

What is...First person point of view


Which type of irony is BEST demonstrated when the policemen, while eating the lamb, exclaim that the murder weapon is, "Probably right under our noses" (Dahl).

What is...Dramatic Irony.


Name the one type of internal conflict that was studied during the short story unit.

What versus self.


When an author describes a character's personality by showing what the character says, thinks, effect on others, actions, and looks.

What is...indirect characterization


Montresor's coat of arms is a heel crushing a serpent which has its fangs embedded into the heel, which is an example of which literary device?

What is...Foreshadowing.


"Mama gripped the plate like a Frisbee" is an example of this literary device.

What is...Simile.


Mary telling the police that they would be "doing her a favor" by eating the lamb BEST demonstrates which type of irony?

What is...Verbal Irony.


Which literary device indicates the author's mood, voice, or attitude about the piece they are writing?

What is...Tone.


The practice or art of using an object or a word to represent an abstract idea.

What is...Symbolism


When the reader knows that Montresor is planning on killing Fortunato, yet Fortunato has no clue, is an example of what?

What is...Dramatic Irony


The narrator describes the conflict with the painter lady as "We were at war," which is an example of this literary device.

What is...a hyperbole OR metaphor.


Which type of irony is BEST demonstrated by the quiet housewife committing the murder of her police officer husband?

What is...Situational Irony.


"It is so cold I saw a polar bear wearing a jacket," is which type of literary device?

What is...Hyperbole.


A brief and indirect reference to a person, place, thing or idea of historical, cultural, literary or political significance.

What Allusion


When Montresor smiles at the thought of Fortunato's death, it makes the reader question the _____________.

What is...the Reliability of the Narrator, or the Narrator Reliability.


The African leaders and flags on the wall are examples of this literary device.

What is...symbolism.


The action in Lamb to the Slaughter mainly encompasses the relationship between Mary and Patrick Maloney.  Which type of conflict is BEST demonstrated by the actions of these two characters?

What versus man conflict or external conflict.


A rhetorical device, literary technique, or event in which what appears, on the surface, to be the case, differs from what is actually the case is known as which literary device?

What is...Irony.


A stylistic device in which a number of words, having the same first consonant sound, occur close together in a series.

What is...Alliteration


"Revenge is sweet" would be considered a what, within The Cask of Amontillado?

What is...a Theme


The conflict between the narrator and the painter lady is only one conflict in this story. Another example, the painter lady being an outsider in the community, is THIS type.

What is...Man vs Society or Man vs Group.


The title of the story - Lamb to the Slaughter - is based on a famous story from the Bible - what literary device would this be considered?

What Allusion.


Name the four types of external conflict that were studied in the short story unit.

What versus man, man versus group, man versus nature, and group versus group.