"The Landlady"
"The Chaser"

This is something that one feels strongly to do such as when Weaver desires to follow the landlady into the house. 

What is a compulsion? 


This is why Billy walks "briskly" down the street. 

What is wanting to act like a successful businessman? 

Double points if you can recall the name of the businessman at Billy's main office in London? 


This word was used explain when Paulsen unfastened the sled  reigns. 

What is disengage? 

This is the name of the street on which Alan purchases the love potion.

What is Pell Street? 


These are the two opposing groups in The Outsiders.  

Who are the greasers and the socs?  


"This is a bit of alright" and "Animals are usually a good sign in a place like this" are examples of this figurative device. 

What is irony?    


This is the color and material of the curtains hanging in the window of the B&B. 

What is green & velvet? 


When Storm retired from "pulling like a  machine", he served this purpose. 

What is training  puppies.  


This is how the old man's name was written on the door. 

What is obsurely?   


These are the names of 4 out of 6 of the administrators @ MHS. 

Who are....?


This is what the landlady is compared to when she opens the door. 

What is a jack-in-the-box


This is how old Billy was in the short story and THIS person told him to stay. 

What is 17 and the porter? 


"Storm" is told from THIS point of view and these are 5 pronouns used when writing from this POV.

What is first-person, and answers may vary? 


This is major them of this short story. 

What is  you cannot buy love? 


To explain the meaning of hyperboles, Manson played a clip from this 1983 movie. 

What is a Christmas Story. 

Double Points: Manson a clip from this 1994 film to explain irony.  


This is something you are required to do mentioned "The Chaser". 

What is obliged? 


Billy wanted to stay at a pub which was called tTHIS which is a place referred as this (adj): friendly, agreeable,  &  pleasant. 

What congenial & is the Bell & the Dragon?  


During this type of weather AND Temperature, Storm became bored. 

What is calm/no wind and -10 below? 


Why is Dianna given the name of a Greek Goddess (Hint: you must know what she is the god of). 

What is this goddess kills men who get to close to her. At first she is not interested in Alan, secondly when he gives her the potion she almost kills him with her love. 


When submitting late work for an excused absence, students must write these TWO dates on the top of the paper in THIS color pen. 

What are the students' absent date(s), the date the assignment was submitted, and a red pen.  


This is what the metal the stove was made out of when Storm growled with his "scale eyes"

What is nickel? 


These are  3  reasons that make Billy feel compelled to stay at the B&B. 

What are breakfast included, cheap, close, pets and chrysanthemums? 


The Iditarod Race is approx this many miles.  

What is 1000? 


"She will actually be jealous?" cried Alan in _________

What is rapture?


Milpitas High School opened its doors for students THIS year which means it has been open for THIS long. 

When is 1969 and what is 49 years.