Figurative Language
STAAR Strategies
Giving human characteristics to non-human things.
What is Personification
What is Shakespearean sonnet?
A serious play or drama typically dealing with the problems of a central character, leading to an unhappy or disastrous ending. Ex: Romeo and Juliet A. Tragedy B. Soap Opera C. Cartoon
A. Tragedy
The use of a person, place, thing or event that stands for itself and represents some other meaning, as well. Ex: The American flag or a white dove. A. Symbolism B. Personification C. Allusion
A. Symbolism
A) I might have swum at Pioneer Park Poo, but the weather wasn't no good. B) I might have swam at Pioneer Park Pool, but the weather was bad. C) I might of swum at Pioneer Park Pool, but the weather was bad. D) I might have swum at Pioneer Park Pool, but the weather was bad.
What is D
When the audience knows what will happen, but the character does not.
What is Dramatic Irony
Two consecutive lines of poetry that rhyme. A. quatrain B. Couplet C. Iambic
B. Couplet
Has the potential for greatness, but is doomed to fail. A character that is trapped in a situation that he cannot win. Usually his/her tragic flaw leads to failure. Ex: Romeo's love for Juliet cause his tragic death. A. Minor Character B. Tragic Hero C. Round Character
B. Tragic Hero
Words or phrases that appeal to one or more of the five senses. Look, feel, sound, taste, and smell. Ex: The sick sweet smell of the red roses was all I could remember. A. Imagery B. Diction C. Personification
A. Imagery
The last sentence in your introductory paragraph
What is a thesis statement?
When take someone else's words and you rephrase it in your own words
What is paraphrase?
A group of consecutive lines in a poem that form a single unit. A. paragraph B. Stanza C. Refrain
B. Stanza
Instructions written in a play that indicate actions, movements, and emotions an actor should be expressing throughout. Usually in brackets. Ex: [Sandra is looking at Tom. She is wearing a brown hat, and is holding Tom's hand. Both are conversing in a park.] Sandra: Thanks for the wonderful suprise. Tom: [smiles] It is because I love you darling. A. Dialogue B. Stage Directions C. Satire
B. Stage Directions
The central message or meaning that the author tries to convey in a piece of literature that relates to everyday life or human experiences. Ex: Love conquers all A. Thesis B. Theme C. Allusion
B. Theme
Actions that took place in an earlier time that provides info that will help the reader understand the character's current situation.
What is flashback?
"It is a wonderful day outside!" When it is actually pouring down raining.
What is Verbal Irony
How many lines do you need for a Shakespearean sonnet?
What is 14 lines?
When two characters are talking to each other?
What is dialogue?
The action or sequence of events in a story. Usually contains 5 basic elements: Exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution. A. Non-linear story B. Plot Structure C. Figurative Language
B. Plot Structure
What is the meaning of infer or inference? A. Summarizing B. Drawing conclusions, a logical guess, what you can tell from a piece of literature C. Meaning of the story
B. Drawing conclusions, a logical guess, what you can tell from a piece of literature.
A technique in which an author gives clues about something that will happen later in the story. A. Mood B. Flashback C. Foreshadowing
C. Foreshadowing
How many stanzas do you need in a Shakespearean sonnet?
What is 3?
A term when a character expresses his or her inner thoughts to the audience and does not intend the other characters to hear. Ex: Juliet's last words before she stabs herself at the end of of the play. A. Aside B. Soliloquy C. Dialogue
B. Soliloquy
The terms that refers to the language that conveys ideas by saying the opposite. An example of this term is Sarcasm. Ex: Melissa is 20 minutes late to school, but Frank replies to her, " Melissa you came in so early today to class." A. Irony B. Mood C. Tone
A. Irony
When a sentences keeps going on without any punctuation.
What is a run-on sentence?