
Tom laughed his head off when he heard the joke.

to laugh out loud


The runners were neck and neck to the finish line, so the referee had to ask for the photo finish.

very close (au coude à coude)


I didn't really hit it off with the sales manager. I found her to be very arrogant

To like someone and become friendly immediately.


She got her feet wet at her new job by doing some simple filing tasks.

begin doing a new job or activity in a brief and simple way in order to become more familiar with it


The company’s financial troubles were the elephant in the room at the board meeting.

a sensitive issue or problem that everyone is aware of but no one wants to discuss openly


Jim tripped and went head over heels, but fortunately, he didn't get hurt.

fall down


That guy is a pain in the neck, he always boasts about things he didn't even do.

someone annoying


Both teams seem to have hit their stride in the second half

To reach one's normal speed or level of efficiency.


He was going to ask her to marry him, but he got cold feet and couldn't do it.

have a feeling of worry or doubt that is strong enough to stop you from doing something that you planned to do


No one expected John to win the marathon, he was a dark horse in the race.

to be mysterious or unknown in terms of abilities or intentions.


Mia felt so ashamed, she felt like burying her head in the sand.

She wanted to hide.


If your sister finds out you've been reading her diary, you'll get it in the neck.

be in serious trouble


Tony works hard in the office but sometimes his work is hit or miss.

not of equal quality


Quit dragging your feet and make a decision!

avoid doing something for a long time


Ever since she read that book, she’s had a bee in her bonnet about starting her own business.

to be obsessed with an idea which you can’t stop thinking about.


After their second date, they were already head over heels in love.

totally in love with one another


Thankfully, people don't leave litter (rubbish) in my neck of the woods.

in my area / neighbourhood


I’m really tired because I hit the road very early this morning.

leave, start a journey


When my son broke his curfew for the third time, I knew it was time to put my foot down.

deal with someone in a strict way


After forgetting our wedding anniversary, I was definitely in the doghouse with my wife.

to be in trouble or out of favour with someone.


Bianca gave an answer off the top of her head, without even thinking.

Say something that might not be correct, because one didn't think carefully.


The money he borrowed became a millstone around his neck when he lost his job.

a problem or responsibility that becomes a burden and a source of worry.


I was working on this project for many weeks hoping to get it going but at the end, it just hit the dust.

something has failed not drastically or in a catastrophic way, but it just didn’t happen


I really put my foot in my mouth when I asked her about her job. I didn't know she'd just been fired.

say something that causes someone to be embarrassed, upset, or hurt especially when you did not expect that reaction


I accidentally let the cat out of the bag and told Sarah about the surprise party.

to reveal a secret or information that was supposed to be kept hidden.