It's a piece of cake
It is very easy
It's raining cats and dogs
It's raining heavily
Give me a hand
Please help me
to know something by heart
to know something by memorizing it
barking up the wrong tree
making a mistake
to be a couch potato
to be lazy and watch TV a lot from your sofa
I smell a rat
I can tell that something is wrong or someone has done something wrong.
to keep an eye on
to watch or take care of something or someone
It costs an arm and a leg.
It is very expensive and costs a lot.
under the weather
to be sick
You are the apple of my eye
You are very special to me
to kill two birds with one stone
to accomplish two different things at one time
to be all ears
to listen very carefully
Your heart is in the right place.
You mean well and want to do the right thing.
once in a blue moon
happens very rarely
to bite off more than you can chew
let the cat out of the bag
to share a secret that wasn't supposed to be shared
You have your head in the clouds.
You are daydreaming
You are all thumbs.
You are clumsy
beat around the bush
to never reach the point of a problem
being like two peas in a pod
being exactly alike
let sleeping dogs lie
leave a person or situation alone if they might cause you trouble
two heads are better than one
working together is better than working by yourself
being on one's last leg
being very tired
the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence
you always want what you don't have