Drop out
To stop attending school
Teacher's pet
The teachers' favorite student
Break a leg
Used to express good luck
To not feel well (ex: if you're sick)
Under the weather
Main character in Tangled
Show of hands
Raising hands to vote about something
Class clown
A disruptive student who is always making jokes and not paying attention
To cost an arm and a leg
Used when something is very expensive
Something that is very easy
A piece of cake
The president in the USA
Joe Biden
Draw a blank
Not to be able to remember something
Someone who copies the work (or other things) of others
Call it a day
Stop working on something
Used when the person you're talking about actually appears at that moment
Speak of the devil
The captain of the English football team
Harry Kane
To bomb (a test)
To get a terrible grade
Someone who reads a lot
To joke with someone
To accidentally reveal a secret
Let the cat out of the bag
His wife's name is Lonnie
Play hooky
To skip school
Eager beaver
Someone who works hard and is very enthusiastic
See eye to eye
Agreeing with someone
Go to sleep
Hardy's age