Figurative Language

What literary term refers to the use of descriptive language that creates vivid mental pictures for the reader, appealing to the senses of sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell?

Imagery is the literary term used to describe this technique, which helps readers visualize scenes and experiences described in the text.


Identify the subject and verb in the following sentence: "The dog chased the cat around the yard."

Subject: dog; Verb: chased


the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.

What is empathy?


3 synonyms for the word happy

joyful, content, delighted 


Summarize "Eraser Tattoo" in 2-3 sentences.

"Eraser Tattoo" is about teenagers who are about to enter a long-distance relationship. Before leaving the city, the girl, Shae, gives her boyfriend an eraser tattoo of her first initial "S," symbolizing that first love has a lasting impact whether or not it actually works out.


In the phrase "He was strong as an ox," what type of figurative language is being used?

 This statement uses a simile, comparing the strength of the person to that of an ox. Similes use "like" or "as" to make comparisons.


Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: "I have (to/too/two) many books to read for my English class."



compliance with standards, rules, or laws.

What does the word conformity mean?


Give 2 synonyms for the verb "to laugh".

  1. Chuckle
  2. Giggle
  3. Cackle

Summarize "The Safety of Numbers" in 2-3 sentences.

"Safety of Numbers" is about a teenage girl who is studying for the SAT exam; her mom puts a lot of pressure on her to do well. As a result, she ends up rebelling against her parents and running away after taking the exam.


In the sentence "The aroma of freshly baked bread filled the air, and colorful wildflowers swayed gently in the breeze," what figurative language device is being used?

This sentence primarily employs imagery, painting a vivid picture in the reader's mind by appealing to the senses of smell and sight.


Identify the type of sentence: "She sings beautifully."

Simple sentence


a very bad or unfair society in which there is a lot of suffering, especially an imaginary society in the future, after something terrible has happened

What does the word dystopia mean?


Name three synonyms for the adjective "intelligent."

  1. Smart
  2. Clever
  3. Bright

Summarize "Deportation at Breakfast" in 2-3 sentences.

"Deportation at Breakfast" is about a man who walks into a breakfast café. Right after his order is taken, Javier, the only man working at the restaurant, gets deported. As a result, the man ends up finishing his own breakfast and assisting other customers.


What figurative language device is being used in the sentence "His words were a soothing balm for her wounded soul"?

This sentence uses a metaphor, where the words are compared to a soothing balm, providing comfort and healing for the person's emotional pain.


Select the correct form of the pronoun: "John and (I/me) went to the store."



The process of restoring someone to health, normal life, or a condition of productivity through therapy, training, or medical intervention, especially after illness, injury, or addiction.

What does the word rehabilitation mean?


Provide four synonyms for the word "beautiful".

  1. Gorgeous
  2. Stunning
  3. Lovely
  4. Attractive



Summarize "Stay True Hotel" in 2-3 sentences.

"Stay True Hotel" is about a daughter whose mom passed away. Her dad decides they will move to Germany; although the daughter feels unsure at first, she ends up liking the new place. The name of the hotel - Stay True - symbolizes the way the girl feels at the moment.


What figurative language device is used in the phrase "The world is a stage"?

This phrase employs the figurative language technique known as a metaphor.


How do you fix this sentence? "I went to the store, I bought some bread."

"I went to the store, and I bought some bread."


"I went to the store; I bought some bread."


When you speak up for something you believe in or someone who needs help. It's like being a voice for a cause or person to make sure they get the support or rights they deserve.



Give four synonyms for the word "difficult".

  1. Challenging
  2. Hard
  3. Complex
  4. Tough

Summarize "A Tokyo temple’s curse of the lucky cats" in 2-3 sentences.

"A Tokyo temple’s curse of the lucky cats" is about a temple in Tokyo filled with miniature cat statues that are believed to bring luck. The story explains the history of the lucky cats, the influx of tourists, the shortage of cat statues, and more.


What is the figurative language technique used in the sentence "The stars danced in the sky"?

This sentence uses personification, attributing human qualities (dancing) to inanimate objects (stars).


How do you fix this sentence? 

"She loves to read books, however, she rarely finds the time to do so."

"She loves to read books; however, she rarely finds the time to do so."


 "She loves to read books, but she rarely finds the time to do so."


"She loves to read books. However, she rarely finds the time to do so."


Like a perfect dream world where everything is just right. It's a place where everyone is happy, there's no conflict, and everything works perfectly.

What is the definition of Utopia?

Give four synonyms for the verb "to eat".

  1. Consume
  2. Devour
  3. Ingest
  4. Feast

Summarize "Was It a Dream?" in 2-3 sentences.

"Was It a Dream?" is about a man whose love interest dies due to her getting sick. When the man goes to the cemetery, he turns insane and sees the dead become zombie-like and change what's written on their tombstones. He learns his lover cheated on him because hers changes to "having gone out in the rain one day, in order to deceive her partner, she caught cold and died."


What literary device is used where an object, person, situation, or action is used to represent something else, usually an abstract concept or idea?



Correctly spell a word that consists of 10 letters.

  1. Imagination
  2. Continuous
  3. Resilience
  4. Beautifully
  5. Opportunity
  6. Celebrate
  7. Fantastic
  8. Happiness
  9. Generation
  10. Definitely



What do you call this?

*Sympathy by Paul Laurence Dunbar


Provide four antonyms for the word "big".

  1. Small
  2. Tiny
  3. Petite
  4. Miniature
Summarize "The Pedestrian" in 2-3 sentences.

"The Pedestrian" is a story about a dystopian society. A man takes a walk rather than watching "screens" at home and ends up getting arrested for it, for such behavior is deemed strange. 


Identify the literary device:

"In every cry of every Man,

In every Infant's cry of fear, 

In every voice, in every ban, The mind-forg'd manacles I hear."



Identify the error in the following sentence:

"The team of students was excited to present their project at the science fair."

The error in the sentence lies in the use of the pronoun "their" to refer to the singular noun "team." Since "team" is singular, the correct possessive pronoun should be "its" instead of "their." Therefore, the correct sentence would be: "The team of students was excited to present its project at the science fair."


The ability to adapt and keep going even when things get tough. Not giving up easily and finding ways to overcome obstacles, whether they're big or small. It's about staying strong, staying positive, and believing in yourself, even when things don't go as planned.



4 synonyms for the word "excited"

  1. Enthusiastic
  2. Thrilled
  3. Eager
  4. ecstatic

Summarize "The Song of the Lark" in 2-3 sentences.

The fiction story is about a young girl named Thea who is a piano teacher. She acquires a loft room; this changes her because it gives her more freedom.