EOC Facts
EOC Vocab
What NOT to Do

The number of questions on the English II EOC. 

What is 60?


In English class, this means "reading between the lines" or using the text to "make an educated guess."

What is an inference?


Something that I should not do with my blank paper.

What is... Throw a paper airplane, ball it up and toss it at Ms. Dancy, ignore it, eat it, etc.


POE stands for this... and you should always use it.

What is process of elimination?


Of the 7 passages, this one generally tends to have the lowest scores, year after year.

What is the last passage?


This genre is the one that shows up most on the test. 

What is nonfiction/informational?


This is the universal message or "life lesson" that is communicated by a fictional text.

What is theme?


This will cause my stomach to growl for 2.5 hours and make me crabby.

What is not eating breakfast on the morning of the EOC?


Unless otherwise stated, you should aim to include this many pieces of evidence in your constructed responses.

What is 2?


This is the definition of counterargument.

What is the argument of the opposition (or the person who is against you)?


This is how many points a constructed response question is worth.

What is 2?

This is a word that means the author's attitude, and it is achieved through diction (word choice).

What is tone?


This will cause me to drift off to sleep or have trouble focusing during the EOC.

What is not getting a good night's sleep on Thursday?


These are the "hints" in a passage that a reader can use to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words/new vocabulary.

What are context clues?


The EOC is worth this much of your final grade in English II.

What is 20%?


This is the number of passages/selections you will see on the EOC.

What is 7?


This is the type of summary that contains NO opinion/bias (subjective or objective).

What is objective?


These items are prohibited during EOC testing and will be confiscated from everyone at the beginning of the testing session.

What are cell phones, smartwatches, devices with alarms, and other various electronics?


What is the FIRST thing that you should do when you get to a new passage?

Preview the questions.


If a question asks about a specific part of the passage (paragraph 3, line 18m etc.), then you should do this before answering.

What is go back and reread that section?


This is the limit on the amount of characters you can type in your answer to the constructed response questions.

What is 1,000 characters (around 150-200 words)?


Author's purpose: to persuade, entertain, or ______.

What is inform?


You are probably tired of hearing this, but Ms. Dancy thinks that this is "half the battle," and having a negative one on Friday could be detrimental. 

What is your mindset?


What is the FIRST step in writing an awesome constructed response?

What is restate the question using keywords?


A strategy for waking yourself up if you start to get sleeeeeeeepy.

What is taking a restroom break, doodling, rubbing your ears/eyes, gently slapping your own face, etc.?