Figurative Langauge
Revise & Edit
Theme & Tone
Persuasive Techniques
The following is an example of what kind of figurative language "All the world is a stage."
What is a metaphor
What change needs to be made to this sentence: Over the years this attitude has worked good for me and helped me achieve my goals. A Change years to year’s B Change good to well C Change achieve to acheive D No change should be made in sentence 3. 18 What change should be made in sentence 7?F Change
What is b
Tone is..
What is the authors' attitude or feelings.
This technique appeals to the emotions of a person.
What is pathos
We make inferences by using background knowledge and
What is context clues
The following is an example of what kind of figurative language? "Ravenous and savage ?from its long ?polar journey,??the North Wind?? is searching ?for food—"
What is personification.
What change should be made in sentence? Three days after my interview, the manager of the Water Zone calls. F Change days to day’s G Change the comma to a semicolon H Change calls to called J No change should be made.
What is h
Theme is
What is the lesson learned or message/moral.
“You should smoke because we’re all doing it” is an example of a. logos b. testimonial c. bandwagon d. ethos
What is c.
We can infer that "As lightning to the Children eased with explanation kind," means
What is when adults kindly explain what lightning is to children their fears are "eased" or erased
But a better butter makes a batter better, is an example of a. hyperbole b. simile c. alliteration d. imagery
What is c. alliteration
What change, if any, need to made to the following sentence: Studying the affects of these potent venoms is dangerous work, but scientists say that it’s worth the risk, especially if one of these “killer venoms” can actually save lives someday. F Change affects to effects G Change is dangerous to are dangerous H Delete the comma after work J Change lives to lifes
What is f
“Please note in your checkbook how much money you spent using your ATM card today.” The tone can be described as a. straightforward b. sarcastic c. content d. irritated
What is a.
Old Spice – LL Cool J is an example of persuasive technique: a. pathos b. bandwagon c. testimonial d. logos
What is c.
When Sekhar is about to tell his headmaster the truth about his singing, the author writes that he "felt the greatest pity for him...No judge delivering a sentence felt more pained and helpless." You can infer that Sekhar feels pity for his boss because
What is he has to tell him the truth about how bad he is
Glittering white, the blanket of snow covered everything in sight, is an example of: a. metaphor b. imagery c. alliteration d. personification
What is b. imagery
What change needs to be made to this sentence: I decided that I had nothing to loose, so I called the manager and scheduled an interview. A Change I decided to Deciding B Change had to hadn’t C Change loose to lose D Change an to a
What is c.
A HEAVY WAGON was being dragged along a country lane by a team of Oxen. The Axle-trees groaned and creaked terribly; whereupon the Oxen, turning round, thus addressed the wheels: "Hullo there! why do you make so much noise? We bear all the labor, and we, not you, ought to cry out." The theme of this passage is: a. It's ok to be different b. Those who do the least work complain the most. c. Hard work pays off.
What is b
“You should buy Gears of War 2, because my mom bought it for me and ever since I got it I have had so much more fun!” This is an example of which persuasive technique: a. testimonial b. logos c. ethical d. anecdotal
What is d.
From the article on cutting and pasting, when Cecil writes, "If your boss values his paper's credibility, you will soon have lots of free time to ponder those questions," the reader can infer what?
What is Chris Cecil will soon be fired
Oh, never, if I live to a million, / Shall I feel such a terrible pain, is an example of
What is hyperbole
What change needs to be made to this sentence: Occasionaly, when we don’t get what we want, something even better is waiting for us around the corner! F Change Occasionaly to Occasionally G Delete the comma after want H Change even better to even more better J No change needs to be made.
What is f.
The service needs some work, too. Our waiter didn’t know what the specials were. Nor did he think to refill our water glasses before we asked. With a combination of fake-friendly chatter and outright nagging, he made us order, finish up, and clear out. He seemed to see us only as automatic tip machines. The food and low prices bring the customers in the door. The service should not push them out. 1. The tone of the passage is a. sad. b. boastful. c. plain and factual. d. critical, or finds fault.
What is d
“1 in every 6 men will develop colon cancer.” This is an example of a. logos b. pathos c. anecdotal d. ethos
What is a.
When the author writes, "We heard Tio Nano's distinctive slurred voice thanking the driver for the ride and we saw him climb out of the car," the reader can infer that Tio Nano is
What is drunk.