Citing Evidence
Figurative Language

Tone is broken down into these two categories.

What is positive and negative?


Can a theme be just one word?

No, theme can not be just one word. If it is just one word it is considered a theme topic.


Which letter in the R.A.C.E. method means to cite evidence?

What is "C"?


Words chosen to paint a vivid picture in the reader's mind.

What is imagery?


These are the two main types of conflict?

What are internal and external?


Tone deals with whose emotions in a piece of literature.

Who is the author?


What was a theme in "The Lion King"?

Accepting your destiny. 

Facing your fears.

Overcoming difficult things in your past.


What is the statement used to begin citing evidence?

The text says,

According to the text,


You are the sun, moon, and stars to me.

What is a metaphor?


STEAL represents this time of characterization. 

What is indirect characterization?


These are two indicators of tone

What are word choice (diction), imagery, punctuation or repetition. 


Theme or not a theme: Don't look in creepy doors in your house or you will find your other mother.

Not a theme.


The E in R.A.C.E. means this.

What is explain the evidence?


Literary reference to a familiar person or thing.  

What is an allusion?


This type of characterization TELLS the audience what the personality of the character is.

What is direct characatization?


The tone of the passage:

 " Just look at the Titanic. The captain said, 'Even God can't sink this ship'. Then, on its first voyage across the Atlantic Ocean, boom, it hit an iceberg and sank..."

What is ironic or sarcastic. 


Theme or not a theme: Treat others the way you want to be treated.



True or False- When citing evidence, it must come from your background knowledge.



An event from the past presented in the present; out of order in a story

What is a flashback?


Mrs. Staley stayed at work late to make us a Jeopardy game so we would all do well on our EOC.

What is indirect characatization?


Believing that people are motivated by self-interest; distrustful of human sincerity or integrity

What is cynical? 


In which lines does the poem’s theme begin to emerge?

4   What kept his eyes from giving back the gaze 

5  Was the lamp tilted near them in his hand. 

6  What kept him from remembering what it was 

7  That brought him to that creaking room was age. 

8 He stood with barrels round him—at a loss.


What is line 7


Cited Evidence:  According to the text, " A village in Malaysia is in a hot jungle with no electricity.  The houses are on stilts to keep home cool."

Explain the Evidence

This evidence proves that homes in Malaysia don't have air conditioning and should be on stilts to help cool them.


Jumbo Shrimp

Stupid smart

Deafening silence

What are oxymorons?


What does the acronym STEAL stand for?



Effect on others




Tone refers to the author's ________ toward a character, subject or audience. Fill in the blank

What is attitude?


thinking about a characters, or my own, motivations and problems help the reader _______________

What is discovering a theme?


Lighthouses warn ships that are near land.  The first lighthouses were fires.  Later, people build towers.  The light from their candles could be seen from far away.

Cite Evidence:  Why were lighthouses important? 

According to the text, "Lighthouses warn ships that are near land."


I waited in line for a million hours until it was my turn.

What is a hyperbole?


This method of indirect characterization is being used in the following example: His hair was spiky in a row down the middle with the sides shaven. He wore a leather studded jacket and Converse High Top sneakers.

What is looks?


Identify the tone of the passage below:

"There is no one that can be better because you are brilliant. There is nothing that you cannot do because you are unbeatable. There is no place that you cannot go because you are always welcomed. There is no person that can hold you back because you are unstoppable."

What is inspiring, uplifting, motivating, encouraging. 


Identify the theme in the following passage:

Dylan was walking down the city street on a cold December day. The breeze picked up and Dylan was suddenly glad he was wearing one of his thick winter coats. When he turned the corner, he saw a man on the sidewalk sitting under a cardboard box. The man looked sad and was shivering uncontrollably. All the man had for warmth was a small thin blanket. Dylan took his coat off and placed it around the man's shoulders. The man looked up at Dylan and thanked him. The thanks was all Dylan needed to keep warm until he could return home.

Have compassion for those less fortunate than you.


Cited Evidence:  According to the text, "Just as she had hoped, the birds thought the belts in the garden were snakes and so they flew away."

Explain the evidence

This evidence proves that belts in gardens will help keep birds away.


The tree branches danced in the wind.

What is personification? 


This method of indirect characterization is being used in the following example: Each week, Mary volunteers at a soup kitchen serving meals to hungry people. Her elderly neighbor thinks Mary is wonderful because she weeds and waters his flower garden.

What is effect on others?


Identify the key words that would help you determine the tone of this passage:

"I never wanted to see that movie, but my annoying little sister kept pestering me. Eventually, her whining wore me down, and I gave in. But that waste of a movie really destroyed my Saturday."

What are annoying, pestering, whining, waste, destroyed, wore me down. 


How does theme relate to activating prior knowledge or making inferences?

Theme is not explicitly stated in a story or movie. You need to make the connections and "read between the lines" and use your prior knowledge to discover the theme.


When citing evidence you must always use?

What is quotation marks, parentheses, and the source.


It's raining cats and dogs

What is an idiom?


This method of indirect characterization is being used in the following example: One day, the neighbor's dog bit Elliott's leg and tore his pants. "Don't worry about it!", he said. "Actually, it's my fault for disturbing the little guy", he continued.

What is speech?