The Persuasive Essay
Excerpt from "Poem 69"
"Desert Places"
Literary Devices

When you write a position statement (thesis statement), how many reasons do you need to give?

2 to 3


The sentence below contains what and how can it be fixed?

Next week I am taking the English II EOC I know I will do great.

Run-On Sentence

Next week I am taking the English II EOC, and I know I will do great.

Next week I am taking the English II EOC; I know I will do great.


Which of the following statements best captures the meaning of the last stanza of Passage 1?

A. Without makeup, many people are less attractive, and physical appearances are more important than safety from outside intruders.

B. Horror movies are overrated because most horror movies feature outsider intruders, while home invasion is actually rare. 

C. People spend too much time worrying about outside intruders; instead, they should worry about what goes on in their own minds.

D. People should be afraid of everything but they should be especially afraid of people who look like themselves and hide in their apartments. 

C. People spend too much time worrying about outside intruders; instead, they should worry about what goes on in their own minds.


Name the text genres you may see on the TNReady?

Fiction, Nonfiction, Poetry


What is the mood of the text below:

“Do you know, I always thought unicorns were fabulous monsters, too? I never saw one alive before!”

“Well, now that we have seen each other,” said the unicorn, “if you’ll believe in me, I’ll believe in you.”

Playful, whimsical, magical, etc. 


What two things go in your introductory paragraph?

Hook and Thesis


Correct this sentence:

Next week I took the EOC English 2 TNReady exam.

Next week, I take the EOC English 2 TNReady exam.


Which of the following is a "Material place" mentioned in Passage 1? Select all that apply.

M. the brain

P. a chamber

R. a house

S. our apartment

P. a chamber

R. a house

S. our apartment


What is the term used to describe writing that appeals to one of the five senses? 

Imagery/Sensory Language


What is the tone of the text below: 

We are travelers on a cosmic journey, stardust, swirling and dancing in the eddies and whirlpools of infinity. Life is eternal. We have stopped for a moment to encounter each other, to meet, to love, to share. This is a precious moment. It is a little parenthesis in eternity.

Inspired, awe, etc. 


What do you need to add to your body paragraphs to ensure your arguments are clear and engaging?

Strong Textual Evidence that is relevant to your claim and detailed explanation of your evidence.


Correct this sentence

The girl, the one that lives on my street went to the movies yesterday.

The girl, the one that lives on my street, went to the movies yesterday.


Which of the following do the excerpt from "Poem 69" and "Desert Places" have in common? Select all that apply.

M. They rely on rhyme to enhance their meanings.

P. They compare the structure of dwelling places to the structure of minds,

R. They acknowledge that things other than introspection can be frightening to some people

S. They allude to people's innermost thoughts and feelings.  

M. They rely on rhyme to enhance their meanings.

R. They acknowledge that things other than introspection can be frightening to some people

S. They allude to people's innermost thoughts and feelings.  


What word means the author's attitude toward the subject of the work? 



What is the theme of the story below: 

Mandy really hated the new girl. She was getting everyone's attention. Mandy was really lucky though. She had a very close group of friends, but Mandy started spreading rumors about the new girl to her friends. She spread lies about her to the whole school. Everyone knew Mandy was lying and spreading rumors. All of Mandy's friends stopped talking to her. 

Be grateful for what you have


Don't let your jealousy direct your decisions


Don't lie or spread lies. 


What do you need in your conclusion?

Restate your position/thesis


Greg would like to use a more appropriate word in this sentence: Designers take advantage of gravity to generate speed on their rides as cars lower these slopes. Which word should replace lower in this sentence? 

F depart 

G extend 

H descend 

J increase

H Descend


Which of the following themes does the excerpt from "Poem 69" and "Desert Places" share?

A. Introspection can be terrifying.

B. Depressed people are like animals hibernating for the winter.

C. While ghosts aren't real, the mere thought of them is frightening to all people. 

D. Whether they admit it or not, everyone is always lonely. 

A. Introspection can be terrifying.


What is the mood in texts? 

The reader's feelings are created by the atmosphere of the story. 


What elements must EVERY short story have? 

Setting, theme, characters, conflict


What formula should you use to structure your body paragraphs?

A. C. E. C. E.


Revise and edit the following sentence:

Turkey license in hand, he did not expect to discover a far more rarer bird, one that had been declared extinct in 1994.

A. No change

B. a bird that was even more rare, and also one that was...

C. a far more rare bird that had been...

D. a bird, which was far rarer, and that had been

B. a bird that was even more rare, and also one that was...


Part A: In line 16 of passage 2, the term "desert places" functions as-

A. a simile

B. hyperbole

C. a symbol

D. an allusion

Part B: In line 16 of Passage 2, Frost uses the term "desert places" figuratively. Which of the following literal definitions best encapsulates the meaning of the term as Frost employs it in this context?

M. instances of extreme boredom

P. areas scorched by the Sun

R. gardens which primarily grow cactuses

S. moments of emotional despondency

Part A: C

Part B: S


What is the term used to describe the lesson/message of a fiction work? 



What is literary nonfiction? 

A nonfiction story that has elements of fiction in it (Setting, theme, characters, plot, characters). 

For example: personal memoirs are a good example

Like Anne Frank's Diary