The Persuasive Essay
Expository Essay

What three things go in your introductory paragraph?

What is a hook, elaborate, and thesis?


Correct this sentence:

I took the EOC English two staar exam tomorrow.

I will take the EOC English 2 STAAR exam tomorrow. 


Should you plan out your essays?

Yes, I should but I don't have to.


What is an Expository Essay?

An essay in which you explain something to your reader. 


When you write a thesis statement, how many reasons do you need to give?

What is at least 1 (maximum of 2)?


Make this sentence into a number 2 sentence:

Next week I am taking the English II EOC I know I will do great.

Next week I am taking the English II EOC; I know I will do great.


What are the paragraphs in an essay called? 

What is introduction, body, and conclusion? 


What are the four ways to start a hook?

Question, Statement, Statistic, Scenario


What do you need in your body paragraphs to ensure your arguments/examples are clear? 

What is an analysis?


How can you fix this sentence?

Where you got them shoes from. 

"Where did you get those shoes from?" 


Does Mrs. Birkey believe in you?

DUH, OBVI! Mrs. Birkey KNOWS I can pass this test. (Free Points)


Should you use "in conclusion" in your conclusion paragraph?

Only if you have no other choice (NO!)


What are the two things you need in your conclusion?

Restate the thesis and Final thoughts.


What can you use to join sentences together? 

HINT: it's an acronym. 

What are coordinating conjunctions?



When you write an essay and you are given two passages, do you have to use both passages in your essay?

Yes, I only have to use one quote per paragraph, but I need to make sure I use both texts/passages.


What do you need to have in your body paragraph before you cite your evidence?

A lead into your evidence. "For Example..."


What do you need in your persuasive essay to get a 4 out of 5?

Counter Argument.


Correct this sentence:

Since there is, only one way to get home, we must take the Clovis Highway.

Since there is only one way to get home, we must take the Clovis Highway.


When you see a question like the one below, what should you do with the underlined word?

"In paragraph 3, the word meander means?"

1. Look up defintion in dictionary

2. Find the word that most closely matches the definition of the underlined word.


List the steps for planning out your essay.

1. Write the prompt

2. Brainstorm

3. Find Evidence

4. Write Thesis

5. Rough Draft 

6. Revise and Edit

7. Final Draft