L.9-10.4 - Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases.
L.9-10.5a - Interpret figures of speech (e.g., euphemism, oxymoron) in context and analyze their role in the text.
L.9-10.4 - Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases.
L.9-10.5a - Interpret figures of speech (e.g., euphemism, oxymoron) in context and analyze their role in the text.
L.9-10.4 - Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases.

What is the term for a word that has the same or similar meaning as another word

 What is a synonym?


What is the term for a figure of speech that uses exaggeration for emphasis or effect?

What is hyperbole?


What is the term for using the dictionary or other reference materials to find the meaning of a word?

What is looking up a word?


What is the term for a figure of speech in which a part is used to represent the whole, such as referring to a car as "wheels"?

What is synecdoche?


What is the term for a word or phrase that stands for or represents something else?

What is a symbol?


What is the term for a word that has the opposite meaning of another word?

What is an antonym?


What is the term for a figure of speech that compares two unlike things using "like" or "as"?

What is a simile?


What is the term for a word that sounds like the noise or action it represents, such as "sizzle" or "whisper"?

What is an onomatopoeia?


What is the term for a figure of speech that directly compares two things by stating that one thing is another thing?

What is a metaphor?


What is the term for the process of creating new words or expressions?

What is word coinage or neologism?


What strategy involves using the context of a sentence or passage to understand the meaning of an unfamiliar word?

What is using context clues?


What is the term for a figure of speech that gives human qualities or characteristics to non-human things?

What is personification?


What is the term for a word that has different meanings in different contexts?

What is a polysemous word?


What is the term for a figure of speech that uses a word or phrase to mean the opposite of its literal meaning, often for irony or humor?

What is verbal irony?


What is the term for a word that has a similar pronunciation but a different meaning from another word?

What is a homophone?


What is the term for words that are spelled similarly but have different meanings and pronunciations?

What are homophones?


What is the term for a figure of speech that uses contradictory terms or ideas?

What is an oxymoron?


What is the term for a word that has a positive connotation?

What is a positive word?


What is the term for a figure of speech that uses deliberate understatement for rhetorical effect?

What is litotes?


What is the term for a word or phrase that has a specialized meaning within a particular field or subject area?

What is a jargon?


What is the term for words that sound the same but have different meanings and spellings?

What are homonyms?


What is the term for a figure of speech that substitutes a milder or less direct word or phrase for one considered harsh or blunt?

What is a euphemism?


 What is the term for a word that has a negative connotation?

What is a negative word?


What is the term for the process of breaking down a word into its meaningful parts to determine its meaning?

What is word analysis or word decomposition?


What is the term for the use of figurative language to create vivid mental images and evoke sensory experiences?

What is imagery?