Prefixes/Vocab Words
They Say/I Say
Root Words/Vocab

Using what you know about prefixes, give a definition for the word "omnivore"

What is an animal that eats both meat and plants (or all kinds of food)?


Explain what should be hyphenated and why: The color coded system made it much easier to write the 18 20 page paper for English class.

What is color-coded (comp adj) and 18-20 (number span)?


Explain the purpose of this template: "Basically, X is insisting...."

What is explaining a quotation?


Give the root, root definition, and word definition for the word magnanimity.

What are magn (large; great) and "greatness of mind or heart"?


According to They Say/I Say, it is okay to be undecided in your writing (T/F and explain)

What is "true" because it shows you understand both sides but it may be confusing or frustrating for the reader?


Using what you know about prefixes, give a definition for the word "mistrial"

What is a legal proceeding that is handled incorrectly so that it is invalid or inconclusive?


Explain what needs to be hyphenated and why: The editor in chief of the newspaper decided to take out a full page story.

What are editor-in-chief (comp noun) and full-page (comp adj)?


Explain the purpose of this template: "On the one hand, X argues__________. On the other hand, Y claims__________."

What is introducing on ongoing debate?


Give the root, root definition, and word definition for the word graduand.

What are grad (step) and "a candidate for a degree"?


Definition for the word "obverse"

What is the front face of an object?


Using what you know about prefixes, define the word "hypodermic"

What is the layer of skin below the dermis or something injected under the skin?


Explain what needs to be hyphenated and why: I’ve got a hundred twenty two of these gizmos to sell.

What is twenty-two (comp number)?


Explain the purpose of this template: "In her book Why Frogs Matter, X maintains that "________________."

What is introducing a quotation?


Give the root, root definition, and word definition for the word ambiparous.

What are ambi (both/around) and "containing both leaves and flowers"?


Abraham Lincoln wrote the Emancipation Proclamation in this year.

What is 1862?


Using what you know about prefixes, define the word "monochromatic"

What is having or appearing to have only one color?


Explain what needs to be hyphenated and why: You’ll need one third of a pound of flour and twenty one eggs.

What is one-third (fraction) and twenty-one (comp number)?


Explain the purpose of this template: "Although X may seem trivial, it is in fact crucial in today's concern over _______."

What is establishing "So what?"?


Give the root, root definition, and word definition for the word terraqueous.

What are terra (land/earth) and "consisting of both land and water"?


Definition for the word "ascribe"

What is to attribute or give particular credit to a group for something?


Using what you know about prefixes, define the word "macrolanguage"

What is a language that involves a large number of dialects?


Explain what needs to be hyphenated and why: Do you want a self serve or a full serve gas station?

What is self-serve (comp adj) and full-serve (comp adj)?


Explain the purpose of this template: "X should in fact concern anyone who cares about _____________." 

What is establishing "Who Cares?"?


Give the root, root definition, and word definition for the word symposia.

What are syn/sym (with/together) and "conferences or meetings to discuss particular topics"?


Fill in the blanks from the Eman Proc: And upon this act, sincerely believed to be an act of _________, warranted by the _________ upon _________ necessity, I invoke the considerate judgment of mankind and the gracious favor of ____________ ___________.

What are: And upon this act, sincerely believed to be an act of justice, warranted by the Constitution upon military necessity, I invoke the considerate judgment of mankind and the gracious favor
of Almighty God.