What terrorist group was behind 9/11?
How do you pronounce squirrel?
What is the capital of England?
What has one eye, but can't see?
A needle
Which of these are the correct spelling?
1. Medecin
2. Medicin
2. Medicin
When did terrorism start?
How do you pronounce accessory?
What is the capital of Ireland?
I don't cry when you cut me, but you do. Who am I?
An onion
Which of these are the correct spelling?
1. Surprise
2. Suprise
1. Surprise
What was the first terrorist group called?
How do you pronounce supposedly?
What is the capital of Scotland?
What needs to be broken, before you can use it?
An egg
Which of these are the correct spelling?
1. Apparently
2. Apparantly
1. Apparently
Which country in Europe was the last to experience terorrism?
How do you pronounce Nauseous?
Which city in the US is currently dealing with wildfires?
I have a head and a tail, but I don't have a body. What am I?
A coin
Which of these are the correct spelling?
1. Truely
2. Truly
2. Truly
Which city in the US was bombed January 1st 2025?
New Orleans
How do you pronounce Mischievous?
What is the capital of India?
New Delhi
If you have me, you want to share me. If you share me, you haven’t kept me. What am I?
A secret
Which of these are the correct spelling?
1. Mississippi
2. Missippi