This is the rule that states that the verb must match the subject in terms of number and person.
What is Verb Congruence?
True or False: A singular subject always takes a plural verb.
What is False?
This verb ending in "x", is the correct form: "She ____ the documents."
What is "fixes"?
True or False: "The children runs to school " is correct.
What is False?
The verb form that agrees with third-person singular subjects in the present tense usually ends in this letter.
What is "s"
In this case, a plural subject takes a verb that ends in "s"
What is incorrect) (Incorrect example: The dogs runs)
Fill in the blank "They _____ to the park every weekend"
What is "go"?
Fill in the blank : "He always _____ the ingredients carefully."
What is "mixes"?
Correct the mistake in the sentence: "She fix the car every weekend."
What is "She fixes the car every weekend."
This form of the verb is used for plural subjects, regardless of tense.
What is the base form (e.g., "They play," "They run")?
This is the correct verb form to complete this sentence: "The teacher ______ in the classroom"
What is "teaches"?
Which of these is the correct verb form for a plural subject: "The children (is/are) Playing outside."
What is "Are"?
Choose the correct form of the verb: "The fox _____ in the forest." (run/runs)
What is "runs"?
Choose the correct sentence:
1. "The teacher teach us new lessons."
2. "The teacher teaches us new lessons."
What is "2. The teacher teaches us new lessons."?
What is the correct verb form for "He _____ to the store every day."
What is "goes"?
In the present tense, verbs for third-person singular subjects typically add this suffix.
What is "s" or "es"?
Choose the correct sentence:
1. "He run to school"
2. "He runs to school"
What is "2. He runs to school"
What is the correct form of the verb when referring to a third-person singular subject ending in "x"?
What is "es" (e.g., "He fixes," "She mixes")
WHich is the correct verb form? " They ______ the rules of the game."
What is "follow"?
What is the verb form for a plural subject: "The teachers ____ at school."
What is "work"?
What eyecolour does Bertil have?
what is greyish blue?
How many times does Luna squish her squishy?
what is 4 times?
How many times did Andrej jump?
What is 6 times?
How many times did Anna throw the squishy in the air?
What is 2 times?
How many times did Luna clap
what is 0?