What does "IDK" stand for?
I Don't Know
Idiom about starting a conversation:
Break the ______
Break the ice
What does "burning the candle at both ends" mean?
Working too hard without resting
An antonym for “difficult” that starts with “E.”
What does "BTW" stand for?
By The Way
Idiom about feeling sick:
Feeling under the ______
Feeling under the weather
What does "the elephant in the room" mean?
There is a problem that everyone is avoiding
An antonym for “increase” that starts with “D.”
What does "LOL" stand for?
Laugh Out Loud
Idiom about saying it's your turn to make a decision:
The ball is in your ______
The ball is in your court
What does "save it for a rainy day" mean?
To save something for when it is needed later
An antonym for “start” that starts with “E.”
What does "LMK" stand for?
Let Me Know
Idiom about making a difficult decision:
I need to _____ the bullet
I need to bite the bullet
What does "pulling someone’s leg" mean?
You are joking with someone
A antonym for “intelligent” that starts with “D.”
What does "WYA" stand for?
Where You At
Idiom about something being expensive:
That costs an _____ and a _____
That costs an arm and a leg
What does "kick the bucket" mean?
Someone died
An antonym for “success” that starts with “F.”