All About Stephanie
How many paragraphs are in an essay?
5 paragraphs
What are three different things that the author and the main charactr of the story have in common?
Answers may vary.
What are the three text to blank connections, and give an example of one.
Text to text, text to world, and text to self.
today I went to the store and it was amazing cuz i got to meet zayn he even gave me an autograph.
Today I went to the store and it was amazing because I got to meet Zayn. He even gave me an autograph.
What school does Stephanie go to?
Saint Maragret's Episcopal School
What is the structure of a paragraph?
Topic Sentence, concrete detail, commentary, and conclusion.
1. How does the relationship between Gordy and Junior change from the beginning of the novel to the end?
a. At first Gordy didn’t want to be Junior’s friend and at the end he ends up defending Junior when he needs him the most by standing up to the teacher that was asking him why he was missing school too much.
What is the word for “the act or instance of placing close together or side by side, especially for comparison or contrast”?
What is the difference between: 1. they're, there, and their 2. you're and your 3. plain and plane 4. to and too
1. They're is the contraction for they are, there means the loctation of something, and their means that the object you are talking about belongs to more than one person. 2. You're is the contraction for you are, and your means that the object that you are talking about belongs to one person. 3. Plain means that something is simple or can be a wide, open field. 4. To is used for expressing motion or direction toward a point, person, place, or thing approached and reached, as opposed to from while too is in addition of blank.
What Universities does Stephanie want to go to?
USC, Cornell, and Brown.
What is a thesis statement and how do you make one?
A thesis statement is the arguement that you will be discussing about in your essay. You make one by stating your opinion on the topic and then you add the three main points about the topic you will be focusing on to write in your essay.
1. What are some examples of Juxtaposition in PTI?
a. How they start laughing at his Grandma’s Funeral , how he compare Native Americans and white. May vary answers.
What is an inference?
A logical guess made by combining one’s own knowledge with evidence from the text
How is the plot of a story developed?
Exposition, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, and Resolution
What is Stephanie's favorite colors?
Blue and purple
What do you need to include in the topic sentence?
The topic and your arguement (point of view) of the topic.
1. What are three similarities to Junior and the article of Native Americans that you read?
a. Alcoholism, poverty, and the lack of resources such as health insurance
What is the difference between Big Idea and Theme?
Big ideas is a concept or idea that is repeated throughout the book and themes is the message or lessons that the author is trying to transmit through the text.
Correct the following sentence: I am tall and big and my voice are small and soft. I am so smart that sometimes i don't even know what I am saying.
I am tall and big, and my voice is small and soft. I am so smart that sometimes I don't even know what I am saying.
List three things that Stephanie enjoys doing outside of school
Singing, writing, soccer, etc.
What is the structure of an introduction paragraph?
Hook, TAG, quick summary, and theisis.
1. Is Junior a warrior? Why or why not? (textual evidence)
Answers may vary
How do you analyze a cartoon or visual picture?
Who or what is the picture about, what deeper insight or understanding of the topic does this drawing give you, why did the photographer want to emphasize this.
Correct the following sentences: Hey there! Okay i just want to start out by saying that you are one of the best authors on this site! I have read some of your stories and they are awesome but my favorite is and will be Six Little Rules. That story was just AMAZING! Since you are just such an incredible writer i was wondering if you could review my story entitled My Biggest Fear.
Hey there! Okay, I just want to start out by saying that you are one of the best authors on this site! I have read some of your stories, and they are awesome. But my favorite is, and will be, Six Little Rules. That story was just amazing! Since you are such an incredible writer, I was wondering if you could review my story entitled My Biggest Fear.
What is Stephanie's favortie song from Taylor Swift?
Holy Ground