Prefixes and Suffixes
Fix the Sentence
Craft and Structure
Fact or Opinion

Triple Points 

Summer vacation is coming up soon, and I plan to have a lot of fun outside. I want to go to the park, the lake, and even the beach. During the summer time the sun is always shining and very hot, but that doesn't matter to me because I wont have any homework. What is the theme of this passage?

The theme is summer vacation.


Double Points 

What is a prefix (beginning) to the word Possible?


There are two mistakes in the following sentence. Can you find and fix them all? amanda loves her new backpack
Amanda loves her new backpack.

What does the word valuable mean in the following sentence? My dog is very valuable to me.

Valuable means something that is worth a lot of money or is important in some way.

Is the following statement a fact or an opinion? Elizabeth said that 12 x 14= 168.
It is a fact, because the answer is 168.
My mother once told me that if i wanted to live long I needed to eat healthy. I had no idea what she meant by that, so I asked her. She said that I should eat vegetables, fruits, and play outside as much as possible. Now that I am older, I eat more salads, and fruits than cookies, and candy. As for exercise, I take long walks. What is the theme of this passage?
Living a healthy lifestyle.
What is the suffix (ending) for the word party to make it plural (more than one).
There are three mistakes in this sentence. Can you find and fix the mistakes? on my way to School I saw matty running alongside the bus.
On my way to school I saw Matty running alongside the bus.
What does the word climate mean in the following sentence? The climate in Cortland is strange, sometimes it is sunny, and sometimes it is snowy.
Climate means the usual weather in a place.
What is the difference between fact and an opinion?
A fact is something that has been proven to be correct, and an opinion is a belief about a subject that other might not agree with.
Tomorrow is my birthday! Grandma and Grandpa are having a birthday party for me, and they have invited all of my friends. Some of my family will be there too and so will my new puppy! At least I hope so because I really want a puppy. I'm sure that there will be presents, candy, music, and birthday cake! I am looking forward to tomorrow, because I will turn a year older, nine! What is the theme of the passage above?
The theme of the passage is about a birthday party.
What is the prefix (beginning) for the word agree?
There are four mistakes in this sentence. Can you find and fix them all? while I played flappy bird, anthony ran by and tapped on the screen making the bird fall down.
While I played Flappy Bird, Anthony ran by and tapped on the screen making the bird fall down.
What does the word similar mean in the following sentence? The farms in my hometown are very similar to the farms in Whitney Point.
Similar means alike or of the same type.

Double Points

Is the following statement a fact or an opinion? Chocolate is the best food in the world.

Opinion, because not everyone can agree.


double points

On my way to school I did my homework, but the bis was very bumpy so my handwriting was very messy. I just hope my teacher doesn't notice. When I entered the classroom, my teacher asked me for my homework, and when I handed it to her she asked me why my handwriting was so messy. I told her that it was because I was nervous about the homework and getting it done. As soon as I walked away I began to feel guilty that I had lied to my teacher. By the end of the day I couldn't live with the lie, so I walked up to my teacher and I told her the truth. She said she was disappointed in me that I had lied to her, and that next time I just needed to make time at home to do my homework the night before. What is the theme of the passage above?

The theme of the passage above is about being honest.

Think of a suffix (ending) to the word baby that will make the word plural (more than one).
There are five mistakes in the following sentences. Can you find and fix them all? After dinner, madison decided That she wanted to eat Ice cream. she decided on cotton candy flavor
After dinner, Madison decided that she wanted to eat ice cream. She decided on cotton candy flavor.
What does the word memorial mean in the following sentence? Sally's parents made a memorial for her goldfish.
Memorial means something done or built to help people remember someone or an event.
Is the following statement a fact or an opinion? Once a baby sea turtle reaches the ocean they are safe.
Opinion, baby turtles must then avoid plastic bags, sharks, boats, and nets made by humans when they are in the ocean.
I was walking down the hallway when I saw that Bobby was being pushed around by the older students in our school. Before they began to do more than pushing, I yelled at them to stop picking on him because it isn't very nice. The boys turned around to look at me and told me to mind my own business. I ran back into the classroom and told my teacher about what was happening in the hallway. He ran out to take care of the boys in the hallway while I stayed in the classroom. Afterwards my teacher brought Bobby back into the classroom safe and sound. My teacher turned to me and thanked me for not standing back and letting anything happen to my friend. What is the theme of the passage above?
The theme is about how we shouldn't stand by while our friend/or a classmate is being bullied, you should tell an adult and ask for help.
What is the suffix (ending) to the word stop, to make the word in past tense. Hint: My mother stop___ the car when the light turned red.

Triple Points 

There are seven mistakes in the following sentences. Can you find and fix them all? on saturday, I would like to Buy cotton candy at the fair. THEN i would like to ride the roller Coaster with my best friend daniel.

On Saturday, I would like to buy cotton candy at the fair. Then I would like to ride the roller coaster with my best friend Daniel.

What does the word probability mean in the following sentence? The probability of going to the fourth grade is very high if you do all of your homework and study very hard.
Probability refers to the chances of something happening.
Decide whether the following statement is a fact or an opinion. In September school will begin again and I am very excited about going back to school where I will learn many new things.
It is both a fact and an opinion. School does begin in September, but not everyone enjoys waking up early to go to school again after a long summer vacation.