Multiple Meanings
Reading & Writing
ELA Potpurri
This word can mean (verb) to fall down OR (noun) a journey.
What is trip?
It's what this is: I. Diary of a Wimpy Kid a. Greg 1. family 2. friends 3. likes and dislikes b. Rowley 1. family 2. friends 3. likes and dislikes
What is an outline?
This is a world wide network of computers through which you may find information about almost any topic.
What is the internet or the world-wide web?
This is a word that indicates a plural possession (they're, their, or there).
What is their?
You know it is this is it is provable.
What is a fact?
This word can mean (noun) a way to pay someone or (verb) to confirm something.
What is check?
This is the perspective of a story when the main characacter tells the story.
What is first-person?
You can find lots of information about many, many things in this very large collection of books.
What is an encyclopedia?
To, two, or too: There are ______ many puppies who need homes!
What is too?
This is printed (or electronic) text you would use if you wanted to order something from a restaurant.
What is a menu?
This can mean (verb) to demonstrate OR (noun) something you watch on TV.
What is show?
This is the perspective if a story has a narrator who is not a character IN the story.
What is third-person?
This is a printed news source that is printed and delivered daily.
What is a newspaper?
This is the past participle of the word "begin".
What is begun?
This is a piece of text you would use if you wanted to apply for a job.
What is an application?
This can mean (noun) the side of a river OR (noun) a place where you deposit money.
What is bank?
Some examples of this type of word are: nobody, anybody, everything, anybody, both, all, others.
What are indefinite pronouns?
This is also known as a periodical, and can be found in print and/or online.
What is a magazine?
Accept or except: this is the word you would use if someone gives you a gift.
What is accept?
This is printed text that you see on the freeway. It is business-related and may twist the truth a bit.
What is a billboard?
This means (noun) a metal container OR (adjective) able to do something.
What is can?
This is a type of nonfiction writing that does not tell a story but instead explains and instructs the reader.
What is expository text?
When you use information you find (online, newspapers, etc.) in a research paper, you must use these and write them down.
What are sources?
It is the thesis statement of the following: Abraham loves to play games. His favorite game is soccer because it is a very fast game. Abraham also likes to play board games that are based mostly on luck. He prefers Monopoly because it requires luck and skill. If he’s alone, Abraham likes to play video games as long as they aren’t too violent because they might give him nightmares.
What is "Abraham loves to play games."
This is what businesses do if they want people to be aware of their products.
What is advertising?