Of Mice and Monsters
Figuratively Speaking
The Bard of Avon
African Literature
Style, Structure, and form

This man, who studied chemical processes and the decay of living things, gains an insight into the creation of life and gives life to his own creature in this famous story. 

Who is Dr. Victor Frankenstein? 


The ocean waves whispered secrets to the shore.

What is personification?


This Shakespearian tragedy takes place primarily in the Italian city of Verona and depicts the intermingling and conflicts between two proud houses.

What is Romeo and Juliet


This famous novel is set in postcolonial Nigeria and the central character is Kambili Achike. 

What is Purple Hibiscus? 


Thought to have been invented in Italy by a thirteenth-century notary named Giacomo da Lentini, this poetic form was made popular by William Shakespeare as he wrote 154 of these poems.

What is a sonnet?


In Lord of the Flies, the boys refer to a "beast" at the top of mountain. Simon actually discovers that the beast is actually this, which is something quite different.  

What is a dead parachutist? 


 As easy as shooting fish in a barrel.

What is a simile?


What famous theatre, built in 1599, is commonly associated with Shakespeare

What is the Globe Theatre? 


In A Long Way Gone Ismael's grandmother encourages him to be like this celestial object.

What is the moon? 


This is narrative style, incorporated modernist like Woolf, Joyce, and Proust, that tries to capture a character’s thought process in a realistic way. Because it’s mimicking the non-linear way our brains work, it includes a lot of free association, looping repetitions, sensory observations, and strange (or even nonexistent) punctuation and syntax.

What is stream of consciousness?


This titular character orders the death of his closest friend as well as the friend's son. When the son escapes, this character refers to him as "the worm that's fled"

Who is Macbeth?


The burning wood hissed and crackled.



This character from Othello is second only to Hamlet in having the most lines of Shakespeare’s characters.

Who is Iago? 


Mugo, an introverted villager of Thabai, does not want to give a speech at Uhuru in this famous historical novel.

What is A Grain of Wheat


a literary technique, originally used in Greek tragedy, by which the full significance of a character's words or actions is clear to the audience or reader although unknown to the character.

What is dramatic irony?


This novella famously portrays the transformation and slow degradation of a once thriving salesman who in the end is betrayed by his whole family and left to die, partially in part because of a wound from when his father threw an apple at his back. 

What is The Metamorphosis?


Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! 

It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock 

The meat it feeds on. (Othello 3.3.170–172) 

What is a metaphor? 


William Shakespeare wrote the tragic play Macbeth during the reign of this monarch who is said to be a descendant of the real Banquo.  

Who is King James VI and I?


In the famous novel Things Fall Apart, the death of this boy is a bad omen for Okonkwo, who kills the boy to avoid appearing weak. 

Who is Ikemefuna? 


This genre of literature typically includes the use of stylistic elements like humor, exaggeration, and irony to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues.

What is satire?


The title Of Mice and Men was taken from a 1785 poem "To a Mouse..." by this famous Scottish poet

Who is Robert Burns? 


out of the frying pan into the fire

What is an idiom?


Phrases from this famous play include “cruel to be kind”, “method in the madness”, “murder most foul” and “neither a borrower nor a lender be.”

What is Hamlet


She was the forerunner to a generation of African women writers, and the first African woman novelist to be published in the English language in Britain. She achieved international recognition with her first novel Efuru, published in 1966

Who is Flora Nwapa?


This type of poetry is french verse form consisting of five three-line stanzas and a final quatrain (four lines), with the first and third lines of the first stanza repeating alternately in the following stanzas.“Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night” by Dylan Thomas is a famous example. 

What is a Villanelle.