
Which letter is used most often in English?

a) a

b) e

c) q

b) e


What letter do most English words begin with? 

a) s

b) e

c) r

a) s


Why English is called "official sky language"?

a) Because birds speak English

b) Illuminati use English to communicate with aliens

c) All the plane pilots are using this language during flight

c) All the plane pilots are using this language during flight


From which maths term does the word "google" come?

a) Googleplex

b) Googlemania

c) Googol

c) Googol


How do you read the word "luxurious"?

a) лакшері

b) лакж'юріас

c) луксуріоус

b) лакж'юріас


What/who were the days of the week named after? 

a) Moon, Tui, Woden, Thor, Frigg/ Freya, Saturn, Sun

b) Moon, True, Middle, Jupiter, Freedom, Saturn, Sun

c) Moon, True, Venera, Thor, Freya, Saturn, Sun

a) Moon, Tui, Woden, Thor, Frigg/ Freya, Saturn, Sun


The unicorn is the national animal of Scotland, but which one is it? 

a) A unicorn with blue wings

b) A unicorn with a gold tooth.

c) The common unicorn

c) The common unicorn


The small village of Bonnybridge in Scotland has an unofficial name - ... :

a) "alien resort"

b) "frog pool"

c) "white coin" 

a) "alien resort"


London means .... : 

a) Love

b) Brave

c) Ogre

b) Brave


Is the article translated?

a) Yes, sometimes\by preference

b) No, never

c) It makes no sense

a) Yes, sometimes\by preference


The current U.S. flag was designed by: 

a) 17 year old teenager Robert Heft, the drawing was homework

b) George Washington

c) The baker of a small pastry shop

a) 17 year old teenager Robert Heft, the drawing was homework


Queen Elizabeth II's favourite pets (animal and breed)

a) Corgi dog

b) Persian Egyptian cat

c) Pug dog

a) Corgi dog


What was the nickname of Richard I?

a) Richard-Richie

b) Mr Ridiculous.

c) Richard the Lionheart

c) Richard the Lionheart


Which fact about the work "Romeo and Juliet" is NOT true? 

a) Juliet was only 13 years old.

b) The work was not always called "Romeo and Juliet"

c) Shakespeare gave Albert Einstein his first version of the work.

c) Shakespeare gave Albert Einstein his first version of the work.


What is the number of irregular verbs? 

а) 40

b) 470

c) 3 A4 sheets

b) 470


How can we translate the phrase "Hit the hay"?

а) "Сіновал"

b) "Шукати голку в копиці сіна"

c) "Засинати"

c) "Засинати"


What is the slang "NBD"? 

a) «Нікого немає вдома»

b) «Єрунда\Нісенітниця»

c) «Нічого серйозного»

b) «Єрунда\Нісенітниця» 

(no big deal)


Which of the following is illegal in the State of Ohio?

a) Wash hands more than 3 times a day

b) Giving beer to fish

c) Squash cockroaches in the evening

b) Giving beer to fish


St Patrick's Day is ...... :

a) Irish bank holiday

b) American bank holiday

c) Scottish bank holiday

a) Irish bank holiday


Which fact is NOT true? 

a) For 300 years, French was the official language in England

b) The world's first zoo was opened in England.

c) The unicorn is the national animal of England 

c) The unicorn is the national animal of England 



In 16th century England, the most popular dish was the "surprise pie". What was the surprise?

a) Birds flew out of the pie

b) Inside the pie was another pie

c) A musical box was inside the pie's core

c) A musical box was inside the pie's core


What feature does the Isle of Man (located between Great Britain and Ireland, in the Irish Sea) possess?

a) There are no speed limits

b) All dogs are called "Charles"

c) The population works at night

a) There are no speed limits


Which fast food appeared first?

a) Chicken in Bell

b) White Castle

c) KFC 

b) White Castle


Who was the creator of Tesla: 

a) Charlize Theron

b) Elon Musk

c) Martin Eberhard

c) Martin Eberhard


How can you translate the phrase "Cost an arm and a leg"?

а) "Коштує цілий статок\богатство"

b) "Коштує як рука з ногою"

c) "Одне краще за інше"

а) "Коштує цілий статок\богатство"