I'm sick. I'm under...
I'm under the weather.
I'll save the leftovers for dinner later. Waste...
Waste not, want not
It's a secret. Don't spill...
Don't spill the beans.
The doctor is running late. Please sit...
Please sit tight.
He gave up. He threw....
He threw in the towel.
She was really upset. She was beside...
She was beside herself.
He wasn't serious. He was pulling your...
He was pulling your leg.
I didn't mean to be rude. I really put my foot...
I really put my foot in my mouth.
We've done enough. Let's go home. Let's call it....
Let's call it a day.
I don't see my cousins often. They only visit once in....
They only visit once in a blue moon.
We were on the phone for an hour. He talked my...
He talked my ear off.
It's risky, but I'm going to throw caution...
I'm going to throw caution to the wind.
It was a hard class. I passed by the...
I passed by the skin of my teeth.
He loves chocolate. He has a...
He has a sweet tooth.
It was easy. It was a...
Let's not worry about that right now. We'll cross....
We'll cross that bridge when we come to it.
I was pretty mean when we broke. I think I...
I think I burned that bridge.
It was unexpected. It happened out...
It happened out of the blue.
This is easy. It's not...
It's not rocket science.
That news source isn't very reliable. Take what it says...
Take what it says with a grain of salt.