College Composition
World Literature
Literary Forms
African American Literature
Advanced Grammar & Composition
A type of sentence that contains a subject and a verb, and it expresses a complete thought.
What is a Simple Sentence?
A person who has only one human parent and the other who is a divine being.
What is a Demi-god
A quatrain of a poem consists of how many lines.
What is 4 lines?
She is the only black female writer who has recieved a Nobel Prize for her writing.
Who is Toni Morrison?
This includes the preposition and the object of the preposition as well as any modifiers related to either.
What is a Prepositional Phrase?
These are used to provide concise documentation directly where a source is quoted or paraphrased within a person's paper.
What is a Parenthetical Citation?
According to both the Hebrew and Christian bible, this was mankind's first sin.
What is Disobedience?
THIS TYPE OF EARLY POEM WAS OFTEN WRITTEN TO MOURN THE DEATH OF A PERSON This type of early poem was often written to mourn the death of a person.
What is an Elegy?
This former U.S. slave wrote black literature's first novel and its first play.
Who is William Wells Brown?
This occurs when a writer has connected two main clauses with no punctuation, also called a run-on.
What is a Fused Sentence?
A comparison of one point of a topic with a point of the other topic; generally used in compare/contrast essays.
What is the Point-by-Point Method?
The avenger god of the Egyptians.
Who is Horus?
THIS TYPE OF AGELESS LITERARY WORK HAS MESSAGES GOOD FOR ALL TIMES This type of ageless literary work has messages good for all times.
What is a Classic?
Another name for the Black Arts Movement of the 1960s and 70s.
What is the Second Renaissance?
A verbal that is used as an adjective and most often ends in -ing or -ed.
What is a Participle?
In writing, this is the sentence or group of sentences which states the main idea of an essay.
What is a Thesis Statement?
Greek teacher and philosopher whose student school was named the "Academy".
Who is Plato?
A literary work that exhibits the highest form of construction or writer craftmanship.
What is a Masterpiece?
This man coined this term which is used to describe an individual whose identity is divided into several facets.
Who is W. E. B. Du Bois?
Function as nouns, adjectives, or adverbs.
What are Infinitve Phrases?
The essential background information at the beginning of a literary work.
What is Exposition?
An epic poem from Mesopotamia about the adventures of the historical King of Uruk
What is the Epic of Gilgamesh?
Term for the common characteristics of a type of literary work.
What are Conventions?
The late U.S. black playwright whose each of his 10 plays is devoted to one decade of the 20th Century.
Who is August Wilson?
A noun or noun phrase that renames another noun right beside it.
What is an Appositive?