
Understanding a Short Text

Maria goes to the market every Saturday morning. She buys fresh fruits and vegetables for the week. The market is very busy, and there are many people. Maria likes to talk to the vendors and learn about their products. She buys apples, bananas, and oranges. She also buys tomatoes, carrots, and lettuce. After shopping, Maria enjoys a cup of coffee at a small café near the market.


Completing Sentences

John __________ (1) up at 6:30 every morning. He __________ (2) a shower and then __________ (3) breakfast. He usually __________ (4) toast and eggs. After breakfast, John __________ (5) to work. He __________ (6) the bus because it is fast. John __________ (7) at the office at 8:30. He __________ (8) very hard all day. He __________ (9) home at 5:30 and __________ (10) dinner with his family.


True or False

Susan loves to walk in the park every afternoon. She enjoys the fresh air and the beautiful trees. Sometimes she meets her friend, Anna, and they walk together. They talk about their day and enjoy the scenery. Susan always feels happy after her walk in the park.


Matching Sentences

David and his wife, Emma, like to relax in the evening. After dinner, they usually watch TV or read books. David likes to watch sports, while Emma prefers to watch movies. Sometimes they play board games together. They enjoy their time at home and feel very relaxed.