What is a noun?
Person, place, or thing
What's the city in this address?
1800 Stratford Ave. Nashville, TN 37216
Who was the spider in Charlotte's Web?
What does an ad tell us?
About something that is for sale
Who is the boy that lived?
Harry Potter
What is an adjective?
A describing word
What is the zip code in this address?
1800 Stratford Ave. Nashville, TN 37216
Who was the girl who saved Wilbur from being killed right after he was born?
What information is included in a menu?
The food they have and the prices.
Who killed Harry's parents?
What is a verb?
an action word
What is the state in this address?
35 Devon St. Chicago, IL 60123
Who was the rat in Charlotte's Web?
What information is in a newspaper?
Articles about things that are happening in the community.
Where does Harry sleep?
the cupboard under the stairs
Which word is a noun in this sentence:
The cat jumped.
123 Main St. Los Angeles, CA 90210
What farm did Wilbur move to?
Mr. Zuckerman's farm
What sign tells us we can cross the street?
walk sign
What is one magical thing Harry does while living with the Dursleys?
talk to a snake
grow his hair back
escape Dudley and his gang
Break glass at the zoo
Which word is a verb in this sentence:
The woman sleeps on the train.
What is the name of the street in this address?
5412 Shelby Ave. Nashville, TN 37206
How did Charlotte save Wilbur?
She spun words into her web.
What kind of sign tells us how fast we can drive?
Speed limit sign
Who came to pick up Harry from the cabin in the sea?