In what country was the Statue of Liberty made?
Does Viktor have any children?
What is the name of the fictional wizarding school in the "Harry Potter" film series?
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
Spotify is the world's largest music streaming platform. In which country was it created?
Who was the first person to walk on the moon?
Neil Armstrong
Kamala Harris
When is Viktor's birthday? Closest guess wins.
November 19.
Which streaming service is home to "The Mandalorian" and other "Star Wars" series?
Which British rock band consisted of John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr? This band has been called "the most famous music band of all time".
The Beatles.
What is the largest planet in our solar system?
What is the most common letter in the English language?
What year did Viktor become a teacher?
What year was Netflix founded? Closest guess wins.
Which British band is known for hits like "Bohemian Rhapsody" and "We Will Rock You"?
What is the world's biggest island?
What year did the seventeenth century end?
Is Viktor's brother older or younger than him?
Younger (he is taller than me, however.)
"CGI" is a term we often hear in big movie productions. But what does it stand for?
Computer-Generated Imagery
Which American artist is known for the album "Thriller", the best selling album of all time?
Michael Jackson
How many continents are there in the world? Double points if you can name them all.
Seven. Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe and Australia.
How many countries in the world uses ONLY imperial measurements (mph, inches, pounds, feet etc)? Double points if you can name them all.
Only 3. The USA, Liberia and Myanmar/Burma.
What has Viktor worked as besides a teacher? One "point" per correct answer.
Camp counselor, life guard, cleaner, store assistant and gym instructor.
Which movie has made the most money in cinema-history?
Avatar (2009)
AC/DC is a rock band famous for songs like "Highway to Hell", "TNT and "Back in Black", but which country are they from?
How many bones are in the adult human body? Closest guess wins.