Who is the main character in Catcher in The Rye?
Holden Caulfield
hello my name is jane!
Hello my name is Jane!
what kind of story is Tortoise and the Hare?
What is a noun
What greek god/goddess is upset at Odysseus?
What time the soccer game star?
What time does the soccer game start?
The Hunger Games
what kind of story is Catcher in the Rye?
Realistic fiction/ fiction
Schaffer template
What did the dad in Big Fish see when he was in Japan?
A two-headed geisha
I can’t not find the keys.
I can't find the keys. or I cannot find the keys.
The Amazing World of Gumball
what kind of story is Harry Potter?
Fiction/ Fantasy
what does H.E.L.P.S stand for?
history, entertainment, literature , people or politics, and sports and science
What is the major theme of Catcher in the Rye?
the protection of innocence (especially that in children)
What time we gonna go to the mall?
What time are we going to the mall? or What time are we going to get to the mall?
Impractical Jokers
What kind of story is The Diary of Anne Frank?
what was the first book we read in english one? (in our pathways textbook)
What is the greatest conflict in The Odyssey?
man v god (or divine intervention)
The old car doesn’t need to be fixed.
No correction needed
The Truman Show
What would a book about MLK be called?
A biography
was the poem on the staar test trash, yes or no