This food is white. It is a grain. Lots of people all over the world eat this food.
The color of an apple.
Green or red or yellow
In the beginning God created...
the world. God created the water, land, trees, birds, fish, animals, plants, stars, planets and Humans.
A beautiful place where lots of plants grow.
A garden.
What is a sibling?
A brother or sister.
This food is sweet, sticky and golden. Many people put this in their tea, spread it on bread, or make desserts with it.
The color of the night sky.
Black (with stars and the moon).
One man and one woman who are married is called ...
a couple
A group of people who live together, for example:
with a husband, a wife, children and grandparents.
A family
more than one man
People use this to fry meats and breads.
It is liquid fat, from pressing olives.
The color of new snow.
What animal lied to the woman?
The snake.
One adult female
A woman
When a baby comes into the world.
It is born.
People make sandwiches with two pieces of this food.
Americans eat peanut butter and jelly on __________.
Many people put ham and cheese between two pieces of _____________.
The color of dark chocolate.
Brown or black
Who took a bite of the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
The woman and the man.
More than one adult female
When a man and a woman are married, we call them:
___________and _____________.
Husband and Wife
(A couple)
This fruit can be green or red or purple. This fruit grows on a vine, in clusters. Wine is made from this fruit.
The color of the sun.
Why did the man and the woman hide from God?
They were ashamed.
One adult male
A man
When a man and a woman have children, we call the man and the woman _____________.