pierwiastek chemiczny
przełożyć coś na później
put sth off
kompozytor in English
a composer
składnik odżywczy
a nutrient
Everyone knows that eating fruit is good for you.
Eating fruit is known to be good for you.
układ okresowy pierwiastków
the periodic table (of the elements)
przenocować kogoś
put sb up
occupant in Polish
lokator, mieszkaniec
układ oddechowy
the respiratory system
We believe that the Chinese invented gunpowder.
The Chinese are believed to have invented gunpowder.
teoria względności
the theory of relativity
odświeżyć, podszlifować
brush up
ewentualnie in English
alternatively, possibly
płyn do dezynfekcji
They say that their marriage is breaking up.
Their marriage is said to be breaking up.
zbesztać, okrzyczeć, upomnieć kogoś
tell sb off
lektura in English
a set book
przepłukać, opłukać, spłukać, płukać
They say that the palace was destroyed by the earthquake.
The palace is said to have been destroyed by the earthquake.
zrzucić się, zrobić składkę
chip in
hazard in English
zachować odpowiednią równowagę
strike the right balance
The police knew that the robber had left the city.
The robber was known to have left the city.