What English word sounds like "here" but is spelled differently?
One-hundred seventy-five
What is the English for "attendre" ?
"To wait
Unscramble the following words to form a grammatical sentence: to pizza eat want I
I want to eat pizza
Rank the following emotions from least to most intense:
Angry, furious, bothered
Bothered, angry, furious
What English word sounds like "where" but is spelled differently?
Nine thousand, nine-hundred and ninety-nine
What is the English for "voyager" ?
"To Travel"
Unscramble the following words to form a grammatical sentence: follow will go you wherever I you
Rank the following emotions from least to most intense:
Content, overjoyed, happy
Which 2 English words sound like the word "two" but are spelled differently?
"To" and "too"
forty-eight-thousand, four-hundred and one
What is the English for "rester" ?
(multiple correct answers)
"to stay" or "to remain"
Unscramble the following words to form a grammatical sentence:
question that many so people asked have me
So many people have asked me that question
Rank the following emotions from least to most intense:
sad, miserable, down
Down, sad, miserable
What English word sounds like "sell" but is spelled differently?
Eight million, seven-hundred and eighty-four-thousand, and twenty-three
What is the English for "actuellement" ?
(multiple correct answers)
"Currently" or
"presently" or
"at the moment" or
"at present"
Unscramble the following words to form a grammatical sentence:
to the always wanted see chance I movie never to got that have but I
"I have always wanted to see that movie but I never got the chance to"
Rank the following emotions from least to most intense:
Embarassed, awkward, humiliated
Awkward, embarrassed, humiliated
What English word sounds like "wait" but is spelled differently?
One-hundred and eleven million, one-hundred and eleven-thousand, one hundred and eleven
What is the English for "assister à [qqch]" ? (multiple correct answers)
"To be present at" or "to witness" or "to see" or to "attend"
Unscramble the following words to form a grammatical English sentence:
store I when my the yesterday they of any have ice cream favorite went didn't to
(multiple correct answers)
"When I went to the store yesterday they didn't have any of my favorite ice cream" or
"They didn't have any of my favorite ice cream at the store yesterday when I went" or
"They didn't have any of my favorite ice cream when I went to the store yesterday"
Rank the following emotions from least to most intense:
starving, peckish, hungry
peckish, hungry, starving