The meaning of word crawl
Move on all fours
They live ________ the other side of the road.
The meaning of "Go the extra mile"
Make an extra effort
Are son and sun pronounced the same way?
A simple synonym for "Satisfied"
The meaning of word sigh
Take a deep inhale
They treated him ________ a king when he won all that money.
The meaning of "cat got your tongue?"
Can't you speak?
Does basic have an s or z sound?
A simple synonym for "Satisfied"
Very happy
The meaning of word whisper
Tell something very silently
I’ve told him several times but he ________ doesn’t understand.
The meaning of "To go down in flames"
To fail spectacularly
Does road rhyme with broad?
No. "Broad" has the same vowel as "call"
A simple synonym for "Crushed"
The meaning of word wander
Walk around unattended, without purpose
He’d done that before, ________ ?
hadn't he
The meaning of "Butterflies in my stomach"
Feeling nervous
Are roll and role pronounced the same way?
A simple synonym for "Annoyed"
The meaning of word gaze
Look steadily and intently at something
________ he wasn’t hungry, he ate a big meal.
The meaning of "Once in a blue moon"
Is "any pronounced like penny or nanny?
penny. "Any" is pronounced as if it were spelled "ennie".
A simple synonym for "Inspired"
Energized. Ready to do something