1st Conditional
Verbs in past simple
Past Simple
Used to
Modal verbs

What is the 1st conditional for?

a) For situations that never change/are always the same.

b) For imaginary situations.

c) For possible situations.

c) For possible situations.

Situaciones de causa - efecto donde si haces/no haces algo, habrá un efecto.


If you look at the list of verbs, which column represents the Past Simple verbs that you need to use to talk about past actions?

a) The 1st column.

b) The 2nd column.

c) The 3rd column.

b) The 2nd column.

La primera columna son los verbos en su modo normal.

La tercera, para tiempos "perfectos" (present perfect, past perfect, present perfect continuous, past perfect continuous, etc.)


Choose the right answer to complete the example.

She _____ three cats last year.

a) feeded

b) drawed

c) adopted

c) adopted

Aunque las acciones son diferentes, a) y b) estan conjugadas incorrectamente pues ya están en pasado y aún así tienen -ed al final (algo innecesario).


Choose the right answer to complete the example.

You _____ when you were 5 years old.

a) used to played

b) used to play

c) use to play

b) used to play

a) play debe ir en forma normal (play).

c) falta la D en use*.


Choose the right answer to complete the example.

It _____ rain right now. Look! It's sunny.

a) might

b) might not

c) will

b) might not

might indica probabilidad. Si el día está muy soleado, es muy probable que NO llueva ahora mismo.


How do you make first conditionals?

a) present simple + present simple 

b) present simple + future will

c) past simple + would/could + verb

b) present simple + future will.

a) es el condicional 0.

c) es el condicional 2.


What is the mistake here?

a) be: was/were 

b) think: thought

c) start: started

d) catch: catched

d) catch: catched

catch es un verbo irregular (viene en la lista), por lo tanto NO termina con -ed


Choose the right answer to complete the example.

We _____ pay attention to the class because it _____ boring.

a) didn't paid / was

b) didn't pay / were

c) didn't paid / were

d) didn't pay / was

d) didn't pay / was

a) no podemos usar didn't. + verb en pasado (paid).

b) were: I, you, we, they / was: he, she, it.

c) mezcla de a) y b)


Choose the right answer to complete the example.

He _____ music for other artists.

a) used to write 

b) used to wrote

c) uses to write music

a) used to write 

b) despues de used to, el verbo va en presente (write).

c) Uses está en presente, no en pasado com debería ser (usED).


Choose the right answer to complete the example.

You _____ to deliver the project for the company. If you don't do it, you will have consequences.

a) has to

b) don't have to

c) doesn't have to

d) have to

d) have to

a) has se usa para he, she, it.

c) doesn't se usa para negación de he, she, it.

Por el el contexto del ejemplo, sabemos que se debe entregar el proyecto, por lo tanto se descarta:

b) don't have to.


Choose the right answer:

If I study hard for the exam...

a) I pass it

b) I will pass it

c) I could pass it.

b) I will pass it

La oración inicia con una oración en presesente, entonces el otro lado lleva "will".


Irregular verbs _____ and regular verbs _____.

a) are always different than the present form / have ED at the end.

a) just need ED at the end / come from the list of verbs

c) come from the list of verbs / just need ED at the end

c) come from the list of verbs / just need ED at the end

verbos irregulares: vienen en listas solamente.

verbos regulares: terminaciones -ed.


Choose the right answer to complete the example.

"I didn't ______ the concert because I was too tired"

a) go

b) went

c) gone

a) go

b) el verbo está en pasado pero no lo necesitamos así porque tenemos didn't.

c) el verbo está en pasado participio (column 3).


Choose the right answer to complete the example.

I can't believe that I failed the exam. I _____ every day.

a) used to study

b) didn't use to study

c) use to study

d) didn't used to study

a) used to study

Es por el sentido. La persona está sorprendida porque, a pesar de estudiar todos los días, reprobó.


Choose the right answer to complete the example.

Nathaly _____ play the violin for tonight's event. Before, she _____ the piano but she can't now.

a) can / can

b) can / could

b) can / could

En este ejemplo, Nathaly puede tocar el violín porque tiene la habilidad (can). "Antes" (before), ella podía tocar el piano mas no ahora (could).


Choose the right answer:

I will make the project myself...

a) if I have the time.

b) if I had the time.

c) if I would have the time.

a) if I have the time.

La oración tiene will, entonces el otro lado debe tener present simple.


There are two types of verbs in past simple tense*:

a) past simple and past participle verbs.

b) regular and irregular verbs.

c) usual and unusual verbs.

* tiempo verbal

b) regular and irregular verbs.


Choose the right answer to complete the example.

Did you sleep more than 5 hours today?

a) Yes, I was / No, I wasn't.

b) Yes, I slept / No, I slept not.

c) Yes, I did / No, I didn't.

c) Yes, I did / No, I didn't.

Si nos hacen una pregunta con DID, lo ocupamos para responder también (sea positivo o negativo).


Choose the right answer to complete the example.

_____ you _____ to carry your toys to school when you were in primary school?

a) Did / used

b) Does / use

c) Do / use

d) Did / use

d) Did / use

a) si ya tenemos DID, el siguiente verbo no debe de estra en pasado (usED).

b) DOES es para hacer preguntas en present simple (he, she, it).

c) DO es para hacer preguntas en present simple (I, you, we, they).


Choose the right answer to complete the example.

During a pandemic, people _____ stay home.

a) have to

b) must

a) have to (you might get sick).

b) must (personal obligation).

¡Las dos son correctas!, ¡Qué suerte!


Which sentence is the correct one?

a) If he watch the movie, he will undertsand the comic.

b) If he watches the movie, he understood the comic.

c) If he watch the movie, he'll understand the comic.

d) If he watches the movie, he will understand the comic.

d) If he watches the movie, he will understand the comic.

a) y c) la primera parte es present simple pero no tiene -ES en watch (conjugación presente, 3ra persona, positivo).

b) understood es past simple, el cual NO es utilizado en 1st conditional.


What is the list that has the right verbs in Past Simple?

a)  finded, walked, haved, seed, smelled, standed, listened, speaked, leaved, printed.

b) found, walked, had, saw, smelled, stood, listened, spoke, left, printed.

c) founded, walked, haded, sawed, smelled, stooded, listened, spoked, lefted, printed.

b) found, walked, had, saw, smelled, stood, listened, spoke, left, printed.

a) en la lista, hay verbos en presente con terminaciones en -ed.

c) todos los verbos estan en pasado simple, con -ed.


Choose the right answer to complete the example.

_____ you catch the bus on time this morning?

a) Do

b) Does

c) Did

c) Did

a) DO es para hacer preguntas en present simple con: I, you, we, they.

b) DOES es para hacer preguntas en present simple con: he, she it.


What Used To for?

a) to talk about actions that you did in the past and you do now (or vice versa).

b) to talk about actions that you did before and don't do now (or vice versa).

c) only to talk about actions that you did when you were a kid (or vice versa).

b) to talk about actions that you did before and don't do now (or vice versa).

Lo usamos para hablar de acciones que antes se hacían y ahora no (o viceversa).


Choose the right answer to complete the example.

Which one is NOT a suggestion?

a) I know you are sick. I would visit the doctor.

b) I know you are sick. You ought to visit the doctor.

c) I know you are sick. You should visit the doctor.

a) I know you are sick. I would visit the doctor.

Would aquí expresa una situación hipotética: si yo fuera tú, visitaría al doctor.

Las otras dos sí son consejos usando ought to/ should.