Identifying The Main Idea
Finding The Best Evidence
Connecting Ideas
Using Context Clues
Discovering The Author's POV

What is a "Main Idea"?

What a story is mainly about.


Why should a reader/author use evidence when making a statement?

Evidence strengthens the argument making it more credible and trust worthy.


How do we connect with our classmate to let them know its their turn to pick up in the class reading?



Where should a reader look in a text for context clues? 

-Sentences around the unknown word.

-The sentence that contains the unknown word.


What is "POV" short for?

"Point of view"


How can titles/subtitles help the reader identify the main idea?

The reader can get a guess for what they're going to read about.


What are these symbols (" ") called?

Quotation marks!


What is the most important resource to have when connecting ideas in a text?

Evidence/direct quotations


What does the word "meticulous" mean in this sentence?

"The scientist's meticulous observations and precise measurements were crucial in advancing our understanding of climate change."

Careful or showing great attention to detail.


What POV is this sentence written in?

"I felt a surge of pride as I stepped onto the stage to accept the award for my science project."

First person


What role does in-text pictures play in finding the main idea?

The reader uses in-text pictures to help identify the main idea. (a person, place, or thing) 


How may creating a statement after reading a text help a reader connect ideas with-in the text?

A complete statement helps the reader answer a question or prove their statement to be true and that it connects back to the main idea.


What are your two summer school teachers names?

Mr. Thomas and Mr. Gonzalez


What does the word "Impeccable" mean in this sentence?

"Her impeccable performance in the concert earned her widespread acclaim from both critics and audiences alike."

Flawless or excellent


What POV is this sentence written in?

"When you walk into the bustling cafeteria, you'll find friends chatting at tables and the savory aroma of freshly cooked food filling the air."

Second person


Are repeating words useful when identifying the main idea? Why or why not?

Yes, because certain words or phrases being repeated can hint to what the main idea is.


Why do we quote our evidence rather than just adding it to our arguments/writings?

Being a lot of evidence come from other people's words or experiments, we must quote them and give credit to the original author. If not the writer may be guilty of plagiarism. 


How may you relate to this passage right now in life?

"Transitioning from middle school to high school is a significant step in a student's academic journey. It marks a shift from familiar hallways and close-knit classrooms to a larger, more diverse environment. For many students, this change brings a mix of excitement and nervousness. They anticipate new friendships, challenging courses, and opportunities to explore their interests in depth. However, adjusting to the increased workload and higher expectations can also be daunting."

Soon you all will be promoting to high school, and with every new beginning comes its own good and bad.


What does the word "Proficiency" mean in this sentence? 

"His proficiency in mathematics earned him recognition as one of the top students in the competition."

Skillful or expertise


The three different POV?

1st person POV uses the pronouns “I” and “we.” 2nd person POV uses the pronoun “you.” 3rd person POV uses the pronouns “she,” “he,” “they,” and “it.”


What is the main idea of this short text?

                "Exploring the Rainforest"

     In the heart of the dense rainforest, sunlight filters through the towering trees, creating patches of warmth and shadows. The air is thick with humidity, carrying the calls of unseen birds and the buzz of insects. Every step reveals new wonders: brightly colored butterflies fluttering among exotic flowers, and vines twisting around ancient tree trunks. The rainforest teems with life, each creature playing a vital role in this vibrant ecosystem, where survival means adaptation and diversity is key.

The author want the reader to become aware of how beautiful the rainforest is.

The repeated word "rainforest" and the imagery that the author painted for the reader helps identify this main idea.


What are pieces of evidence that supports the main idea of this text?

                     "Benefits of Exercise"

        Exercise is essential for maintaining a healthy body and mind. Firstly, physical activity strengthens muscles and bones, making them more resilient to injury. Secondly, it boosts mood by releasing endorphins, which are natural mood enhancers that reduce stress and anxiety. Lastly, regular exercise improves cardiovascular health, lowering the risk of heart disease and promoting longevity. By incorporating exercise into daily routines, individuals can enjoy these physical and mental benefits for a healthier life.

1."Physical activity strengthens muscles and bones, making them more resilient to injury".

2."It boosts mood by releasing endorphins, which are natural mood enhancers that reduce stress and anxiety".

3.regular exercise improves cardiovascular health, lowering the risk of heart disease and promoting longevity.


Quote the connections between American football and British football?

A Comparison of American Football and British Football

     American football and British football, though sharing a name, are vastly different sports. In American football, players wear helmets and pads for protection, while British footballers rely on skill and agility, often wearing minimal protective gear. Another distinction lies in the game's objectives: American football focuses on advancing an oval-shaped ball by carrying or passing it to score touchdowns or field goals, whereas British football (or soccer) revolves around kicking a round ball into the opponent's goal to score points. Despite these differences, both sports require teamwork, strategy, and athleticism, captivating fans around the world with their unique charms and thrilling gameplay.

"Both sports require teamwork, strategy, and athleticism, captivating fans around the world with their unique charms and thrilling gameplay."


After reading the passage, what does the word "Enigmatic" mean?

                  "The Enigmatic Artifact"

In the dimly lit museum gallery, Sophie stood before an enigmatic artifact. Its intricate carvings depicted mythical creatures intertwined with celestial symbols, leaving archaeologists puzzled for decades. As she scrutinized the artifact's craftsmanship, she marveled at the meticulous details etched into its surface, each line telling a story of ancient civilizations long forgotten. Sophie's curiosity intensified as she pondered the artifact's purpose and the civilization that created it, her imagination sparked by the mysteries hidden within its cryptic design.

"Enigmatic" means hard to understand or interpret.


What point of view is this passage written in?

                       "Emma's Adventure"

      Emma loved exploring the woods behind her house. One sunny afternoon, she ventured deeper than ever before. Birds chirped overhead as she followed a winding trail, discovering colorful wildflowers and mysterious animal tracks. Suddenly, she stumbled upon an old, weathered tree stump that seemed perfect for a rest. As she sat, a squirrel darted past, and a gentle breeze rustled the leaves above her. Emma felt a sense of wonder and excitement, realizing how much there was to uncover in the world just beyond her backyard.

Third person