Alice in Wonderland
The Speckled Band
The Sun Rising
War of the World
War of the World pt2

Definition of conjecture

What is to form an opinion based on little evidence?


To make a long oration or speak at length;lecture

What is Harangue?

Definition of bequeath

What is to bestow or leave by will; hand down or pass on?


Definition of wayfarer

What is one who travels or wanders, especially on foot?


Having or showing good judgement and an ability to grasp difficult concepts and ideas

What is sagacious?


Temptress' purpose

What is often a female character who either distracts a hero from his journey or purposely lures him off course?


A character who is purely good. He acts with a sense of duty and chivalry in pursuit of honor and justice. He may be a religious figure or a courtly figure. He is often a type of hero.

What is a valiant knight?


The initiation is...

What is a plot element in which a character, especially a young hero, undergoes a challenge that represents a rite of passage?


an archetype representing sustenance and health. It can have religious undertones and can be reminiscent of the story of the Garden of Eden.

What is the tree of life?


A symbolic archetype representing new beginnings.

What is water?

The step in between the rough draft and final draft is...

What is editing?


The five steps of completing a paper

What is 

1. Brainstorm

2. Outline

3. Rough draft

4. Editing

5. Final paper


Identifying the task, what to ask yourself?

What is what is the assignment asking me to do?


What is the reason I am writing this essay, is...

What is Identifying the purpose?


Two brainstorming ideas

What is listing and mapping?


So young a child,” said the gentleman sitting opposite to her (he was dressed in white paper), “ought to know which way she’s going, even if she doesn’t know her own name!”

A goat, that was sitting next to the gentleman in white, shut his eyes and said in a loud voice, “She ought to know her way to the ticket-office, even if she doesn’t know her alphabet!”

What options most accurately analyze how the characters’ words affect the meaning and tone of the text?

Words like “ought to know” generate a controlling tone and show the reader how unrealistic the adults’ expectations are for Alice.

Words like “even if she doesn’t know her alphabet” generate a sincere tone and show the reader that the adults on the train see Alice as a young child and understand how little she knows.

Words like “so young a child” generate a condescending tone and show the reader that those on the train do not take Alice seriously because she is young.

Words like “even if she doesn’t know her own name” generate a compassionate tone and show the reader that the gentleman in white paper recognizes and understands Alice’s predicament as a child in Looking Glass World.

What is Words like “ought to know” generate a controlling tone and show the reader how unrealistic the adults’ expectations are for Alice. 

Words like “so young a child” generate a condescending tone and show the reader that those on the train do not take Alice seriously because she is young.


Which option most accurately explains how Helen’s mention of a “speckled band” heightens the mystery in this story?

Multiple elements of the story, such as the gypsies who wear spotted handkerchiefs, might be interpreted as being related to a “speckled band,” providing an intriguing set of possible answers. 


Busie old foole, unruly Sunne,Why dost thou thus,Through windowes, and through curtaines call on us?Must to thy motions lovers seasons run? Sawcy pedantique wretch, goe chideLate schoole boyes, and sowre prentices,Goe tell Court-huntsmen, that the King will ride,Call countrey ants to harvest offices;

Which words from the text most effectively help indicate the meaning of the word pedantic (spelled pedantique here) as it is used in this passage? 

What is Goe chide and Busie old fool 


A sudden chill came over me. There was a loud shriek from a woman behind. I half turned, keeping my eyes fixed upon the cylinder still, from which other tentacles were now projecting, and began pushing my way back from the edge of the pit. I saw astonishment giving place to horror on the faces of the people about me. … I looked again at the cylinder, and ungovernable terror gripped me. I stood petrified and staring.

What option accurately analyzes the impact of the narrator’s thoughts and actions on the tone of the excerpt?

A tone of determination is created when the narrator thinks of escape and backs away from the edge of the pit.

A fearful tone is created through the narrator’s thoughts of horror and his glance at the cylinder.

A disdainful tone is created as the narrator ponders the ugliness of the tentacles and turns to the shrieking woman.

A melancholy tone is created by the narrator’s thoughts of fear and refusal to avert his eyes.

What is a fearful tone is created through the narrator’s thoughts of horror and his glance at the cylinder. 


Many people in Berkshire, Surrey, and Middlesex must have seen the fall of it, and, at most, have thought that another meteorite had descended. No one seems to have troubled to look for the fallen mass that night.

Which options most accurately state the inferences that can be made based on the sentence “No one seems to have troubled to look for the fallen mass that night”?

The narrator knows that the Martians are not as smart as the public is.

The narrator thinks the public is lazy and apathetic.

The narrator views the public as complacent and unconcerned.

The narrator takes the blame for not enlightening the public about the danger.

What is 

The narrator thinks the public is lazy and apathetic.

The narrator views the public as complacent and unconcerned.


Pulling a quote or summarizing a text is...

What is textual evidence?


The five plot structures are...

What is Exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution


The purpose of falling action

What is to explain the aftermath of an action the character made?


What develops central conflict and builds tension?

What is rising action?


Explains or clarifies one item in terms of another on a non-literal of figurative level.

What is figurative language?