What's in a (Royal) Name?

This EoGB Monarch is the only one to have the same name and regnal number as a monarch in British History.

Who is Charles III?


Many believe this Queen's annulment was shortly after the marriage, but in reality their marriage lasted almost 25 years. 

Who was Queen Catherine of Aragon?


This monarch was the longest serving heir-presumptive in British history.

Who is Sophia Electress of Hannover?


After having their throne usurped, this "commander", did wield real power, claiming the throne for their son despite never actually ruling in England.

Who was Empress Matilda?


Originally called "___ House", and rebuilt for Queen Charlotte, this residence is one of the most famous buildings in London.

What is Buckingham Palace?


The Names of the Royal Houses of England and the United Kingdom.

What are Wessex*, Knýtlinga*, Godwin*, Normandy, Blois, Angevin* Plantagenet, Lancaster, York, Tudor, Stewart, Cromwell*, Orange*, Hanover, Saxe-Coburg und Gotha, Windsor, Mountbatten*?


This Queen, rumored to be of African descent, is the titular character of a modern tv series.

Who was Queen Charlotte?


This long-tenured monarch was overlooked because of her gender, and it wasn't until her step-mother stepped in that she was considered a legitimate heir.

Who was Elizabeth I?

This foreign monarch ruled the majority of England for a little over a year in the 13th century.

Who was Louis "The Lion" of France?


This Palace, often in its day called ugly due to it's mish-mash style with little continuity, was destroyed in 1689.

What was the Palace of Whitehall?


These two names are tied for the most common name for a queen consort.

What is Anne and Catherine?


This man could have been the first King Consort, had he not been beheaded before his wife could be crowned.

Who was Lord (Guildford) Dudley?


This "young king" looked the gift horse in the mouth, and tried to seize the throne from his father, only to die of dysentery before the campaign was over.

Who was Henry the Young King?


This father-son duo had a strong claim to the throne, and actually enforced that claim in a little over half of Great Britain before being forced out for good. 

James the Old Pretender and Bonnie Prince Charlie.


Many forget that this palace is actually the most senior royal residence, and is ceremonially the official residence of the King and his Court.

What is St James's Palace?


Counting EoGB Monarchs, this is the most common regnal name.

What is Edward?


This long-time rival of England is actually the homeland of more queen consorts than any other nation.

What is France?


Prior to her reign, this Queen was the only heiress apparent in British History.

Who was Queen Anne?


This "Ruler" was the longest lived of all the male rulers, though it was much longer than his control of the country. 

Who was Richard Cromwell?


Originally intended as a defensive building, this now royal residence is one of the most beloved by the current royal family.

What is Windsor Castle?


Literally meaning "Son of the King", this name is often a name given to illegitimate children of the King. This King had the most children by this name. (Bonus points if you know how many).

Fitzroy, Henry I, 29


This consort felt outcast by their spouse, as they had given royal assent to a bill preventing non-anglicans from holding any office in the government?

Who was Prince George of Denmark?


This heir, with the same name of their predecessor, had the largest age gap between the two at a whopping 54 years. 

Who was George III?


This man could be called a "Jacobite Pretender" if his father had been James instead of Charles.

Who was James Scott, the Duke of Monmouth?


This Summer Residence was a favorite of Elizabeth II.

What is Balmoral Castle?