Elements of Literature
The Crucible
Writing Process
Speaking & Listening
Literature devices

First person, second person, and third person.

What are points of view?


The protagonist of The Crucible.

Who is John Proctor?


The step that is “the arrangement of ideas, incidents, evidence, details, in a specific order in an essay”.

What is organizing?


The role of annotating to spark discussion and asking open ended questions.

What is the discussion director?


When what actually happens turns out to be completely different from what would be expected

What is irony?

Used an instruction in the text of a play, especially one indicating the movement, position, or tone of an actor, or the sound effects and lighting.

What are stage directions?


The antagonist of the Crucible.

Who is Abigail Williams?


The step that is “A creative technique that involves deep thought used to solve the topic of an essay you want to write about”.

What is brainstorming?


The role of annotating unfamiliar words, defining them, bringing up connotation, tone, and mood, and annotating why the author chose specific words.

What is the word wizard?


A device often used by authors; where something tangible, an object, animal, or person, is used to represent a specific idea or entity.

What is symbolism


A narrative device in which suggestions or warnings about events to come are dropped or planted.

What is foreshadowing?


A minister who was thought to be an expert on witchcraft.

Who is Reverend Hale?


The steps (In order) to starting your essay rough draft.

What is Brainstorming (circle map), Categorizing (tree map), Organizing (flow map), & Drafting (writing)?


The role of annotating words, phrases, sentences, literary elements, or paragraphs that need to be looked at and examined again.

What is the passage picker?


An expression designed to call something to mind without mentioning it explicitly; an indirect or passing reference.

What is biblical allusion?


______ characterization tells the reader details about a character by revealing them straightforward. _____ characterization reveals details about a character without exactly stating them. 

What is direct characterization? What is indirect characterization? 


A character who becomes a victim of the Salem witch trials and won’t confess to witchcraft.

Who is Rebecca Nurse?


 The location you place citations when writing.

Where is at the end of each sentence that contains cited material & separate a work cited page?


The action of taking part in something, actively listening, engaging with others, and sharing ideas.

What is effective participation?


A story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one.

What is Allegory?


A ______ conflict where a character struggles with their own self. A ______ conflict where a character struggles against someone or something.

What is internal conflict? What is external conflict?


A period in United States history where everyone was so caught up in containment of communism that people started investigating others within their community.

What is the Red Scare?


Mla format consists of heading, _______, font size, ______ & Citation (in text & work cited)

What is header, & spacing?


The role of annotating characters in a story, paying attention to the protagonist, antagonist, dynamic, static, round, and flat characters in a story. //// The role to annotate certain connections within a story.

What is the character captain? /// What is the connection commander?


A repeated pattern that is usually an image, sound, word, or symbol that comes back again and again within a particular story.

What is motif?