Parts of Speech
The Hero's Journey

This part of speech can be a person, place or a thing.

What is a noun?


This punctuation mark shows that you have reached the end of your thought and are ready to begin a new thought.

What is a "period"?


If you really want to simplify things, just remember that a full sentence only needs these two parts of grammar.

What are a "subject" and a "verb"?


The hero (or heroine) cannot begin their hero's journey without first receiving this.

What is "the call to adventure"?


This part of speech demonstrates an ACTION or a STATE OF BEING.

What is a verb?


What's that you say? This punctuation mark indicates that you are asking something?

What is a "question mark"?


This part of grammar is the person or thing that receives the action.

What is an "object" or "direct object"?


This archetypal character usually helps the hero to begin the journey.

What is "supernatural aid"?


If you want to join up words, phrases and clauses, you should use this part of speech.

What is a conjunction?


Be careful not to splice your sentences with this punctuation mark — only use it to separate words in a list, or dependent clauses from independent clauses.

What is a "comma"?


The underlined word in the sentence below is this part of grammar:

"We read an awesome book."

What is a "verb"?

On embarking upon the journey, the hero must leave this world behind and enter this world.

What are "the ordinary world" and "the special world"?


Want to describe something in more detail? Use this part of speech!

What is an adjective?


As a hybrid punctuation mark, this one allows you to combine two independent clauses, where the second one offers more detail about the first one; you end up with a compound sentence.

What is a "semicolon"?


The underlined portion of the sentence below is an example of this kind of phrase:

"The boy hit the ball over the fence."

What is a "prepositional phrase"?


The hero faces a scary challeng, usually involving some monstrous creature, and usually experiences a metaphorical death and rebirth in this stage of the hero's journey.

What is "the belly of the whale"?


No, we're not talking about something you read in a newspaper, magazine or online — this part of speech can be "definite" or "indefinite."

What is an article?


It's super fun to use this punctuation mark, which shows excitement or emotion!

What is an "exclamation mark"?


The underlined portion of the following passage is an example of this kind of clause:

"Having woken up late, my brother missed his first class."

What is a "dependent clause"?


This part of the hero's journey is the thing that the hero is ultimately trying to get in order to fulfill their quest.

What is "the ultimate boon"?