Types of Poetry
Story Elements
Types of Figurative Language
Types of Text Structures

This prefix means to cross over, through, or beyond. What kind of morphemes is this?

What is 'trans-'?


There once was a show called Jeopardy, 

Where questions were asked quite expertly. 

With answers in tow,

Contestants would go,

To win with knowledge aplenty!

What is a Limerick?


This story element  introduces the characters, and often sets the stage for the conflict to start. What type of story element is this?

What is exposition?


This type of figurative language compares two things using like or as.

What is simile?


Highlights similarities and differences between two or more subjects, often used in articles.

What is compare and contrast?


This prefix, often attached to words implies a reversal or opposite of something. What is this morpheme?

what is 're-' or 'dis-'?


This traditional Japanese form of poetry with a syllable pattern of 5-7-5, What type of poem is this?

What is a haiku poem?


This story element is the highest point in the story or the most exciting part. What story element is this?

What is climax?


This figurative language gives non-human or not alive objects or things human characteristics.

What is personification?


Information usually presented with a conflict or issue followed by solution to solve it.

What is problem or solution?


This suffix, often added to verbs or nouns identifies a person or thing that performs a specific action. What is this morpheme?

what is 'er-'?


Carefully hold,

Unveiling delights

Pouring warmth or Cooling thirst

What is an acrostic poem?


The turning point leading up the part where the character faces a challenge or crucial decision. What story element is this? 

What is rising action?


A comparison without using like or as.

What is metaphor?


Information typically starting from beginning to end or historical events.

What is sequence/chronological order?


This prefix is used for something that has already occurred or is in the past. What is this morpheme?

what is 'post-'?


The first letter of each line spells out a word when read vertically. The poem relates to the word that is being spelled out. What kind of poem is this?

What is an acrostic poem?


This story element follows the climax leading to the end of the conflict. What story element is this?

What is falling action?


Exaggerated statements that are meant to give emphasis or effect.

What is hyperbole?


This structure explains between to actions that leads to one another.

What is cause and effect?


This prefix, originating from Latin is often to identity something abnormal or deceased. What is this morpheme?

what is 'il-'?


flowers bloom brightly,

birds sing sweet songs in the trees

their songs paint the air

What is a haiku poem?


This story element occurs after the climax reveals how the conflict was resolved and provides closure. What is this story element?

What is resolution?


The repetition of a beginning word over and over again.

What is alliteration?


This text structure focuses on details to paint a vivid image.

What is description?