What is the nickname of the underground in London?
the Tube
What is the Star Spangled Banner?
The name of the US flag and anthem
Which nationality are the kiwis ?
They are New Zealanders
What is the name of the big island state of Australia?
What is Bollywood?
Bollywood is the Hindi language film industry, based in Mumbai, India. It is colourful, includes lots of singing and dancing, ans usually lats for at least 3 hours.
Which holiday is celebrated on the 17th of March? And where did it originate?
Saint Patric's Day, in Ireland
Which motto* is printed on US dollar bills?
*a maxim used to express a principle, goal or ideal
"in God we trust"
Which of these countries has a female prime minister?
Canada, Australia, New Zealand, UK, US.
New Zealand
Why was the British Empire nicknamed "The Empire where the sun never sets"?
Because it was so extensive that it seemed that at least one part of its territory was always in daylight.
What is the name of the US Court where nine judges interpret and explain the Constitution?
The Supreme Court
Which country does the rooibos tea come from?
South Africa
Which of these sports was NOT invented in the UK?
Soccer, tennis, rugby, golf, boxing, and cricket.
What was prohibited in some states of the US in the 1920s and 1930s?