Greek Plays
Rhetorical Devices
Sentence Types

How to use context clues?

With an unknown word, using other words in the text that are in the same sentence or in nearby sentences.


What is anadiplosis?

Repeating of the last word of a phrase or clause to start the consecutive phrase or clause.


In text citations

Uses last name and page number from where the quote was taken from.


Subordinating sentences

Clause that cannot stand alone as a complete sentence.

Character traits

Individual qualities or attributes that makes up a persons overall character - physical, emotional, mental, or moral.


Main/central idea

Central idea-Elements of the story that all tie together from other elements in the text used by the author to tell the story.


MLA header

Name, teacher, class, and date with last name and page number on the other side.



Word used to connect sentences or to coordinate words in the same clause.


What is plot analysis?

Looking at the text to find what the text can reveal about the author 


Anaphora vs Repetition

Anaphora-Paralleslism where a word or phrase is repeated at the beginning of successive clauses for emphasis

Repetition-The use of any element of language-sound,word, phrase, clause, or a sentence more than once within a passage of text.


Parts of a citation

Author, Title of source, Title of container, other contributors, Version, Number, Publisher, Publications Date, and Location


Importance of collaborating

Collaboration allows to improve the way a team works together and solves problems leading to more innovation and success.


How to make inferences?

Looking at relevant information and specific textual details - figuring out what it means to answer the question.


Rhetoric devices

Specific devices used in the text to achieve that goal


Works cited page

List of all sources used and cited within a paper. Any quote used in a paper must be included in the works cited page.


Compound and Complex sentences

Compound-Sentence that has at least 2 independent clauses joined by a comma, semicolon, or conjunction.

Complex-Sentence with 1 independent clause and at least one dependent clause.


What is a Greek Tragedy?

A play with a protagonist who usually falls to disaster from personal falling and circumstances


Ethos, Pathos, and Logos

Ethos-Appeal to ethics(refers to the authority)

Pathos-Appeal to emotion

Logos-Appeal to logic(Using statistics, research, and data)


Reason for citing sources

Citing sources can make your work more credible, tells the reader where you got information, and is giving credit to the people whose words or ideas are being used.


Independent and dependent clauses.

Independent-Group of words that contains a subject and verb that express a complete thought 

Dependent-Group of words that contains a subject and verb but does not express a complete thought.