The stage in greek theater
part 1 word
part 2 word definition
characters in Odeipus Rex
part 2 characters in Odeipus Rex

What is the theatron?

it's a viewing place where the audience would sit and watch the actors in the orchestra 


what is the chorus?

is a group of character from greek tragedy who would comment on the action of the play without participating in it 


what is Hubris?

Excessive pride 


Who is Oedipus?

He is the son of Laius/Jocasta (king and queen of thebes). He killed his father laius and married his mother Jocasta. became the king of Thebes. 


who is the Sheperd ( laius )

grazed sheep on mount Catheron only surviror/ witness of the fight between Oedpius/Laius asks to leave Thebes


what is the Orchestra 

it is a "dancing space" where actors/ chorus would perform 


what is sophocles ?

Greek writer of tradegies ; authors of Oedipus Rex 


what is Catharsis?

emotional release 


who is the Priest?

the priest represents when people come up to Oedipus to complain on the diasters being made on them and their city 


Chorus of Thebans Elders 

men of thebans who honor the King and God's. they show a strong attachment towards the king/ a religious culture.


what is the skene?

it is a "tent" that was built behind the stage (orchestra), usually decorated. Where actors would make entrance/ exits through them 


what is tragedy?

is a serious form of drama dealing with the downfall of a heroic or noble character 


who is Creon?

Jocasta's brother. Who was upset with Oedipus for accusing him of Treason.


what is myth of Oedipus ?

the prophet announced that the son of king Lauis and Queen Jocasta. he will grow kill his father/ marry his mother 


what is the parodos ?

it is a "passage way" where the chorus/ some actors made their entrance 


what is tragic hero?

it's literary character who makes an error of judgement or has a  fatal flaw that combined with fate/ eternal forces bring on a tragedy


what are the places in Oedipus?

(Should be in the last row)

 Thebes, greece- where most of the play takes place 

mt. Catheron- where they left Oedipus to die

Corinth - were Oedipus was raisined by his parents 


who is Jocasta?

Oedipus wife (Oedipus mother, used to be married to Lauis Oedipus father).


what is dramatic irony ?

the reader knows something that the character doesn't know about.


what is Harmartia?

is a fatal flaw leading to the downfall of a tragic hero or heroine 


what does unity of time mean?

(should be with the last row)

limits the supposed action to the duration, roughly of a single day 


who is the Messenger?

he was the person who saw baby Oedipus with pinned heels and gave the baby to king Polybus and Queen Merope


what does in medias res mean ?

in the middle of things